There are no game news at PAX? Only mediocre Cosplay?
There are no game news at PAX? Only mediocre Cosplay?
I completely disagree with your main reason with not attending PAX. But I'm completely happy with your very well-thought and admitted opinion piece.
She's also sad she won't be able to indulge in your lovely scent any longer. Shes quite fond of it, if you hadn't heard.
If we can play as Clap-Trap, does that mean the entire game has no stairs?
Hyper Dragon Ball Z might look like a forgotten arcade game of the 1990's, but it's actually a modern Dragon Ball gam…
Anyone who's done any kind of subscription based thing with a free trial has to do this... netflix, every sub mmo out there, everything.
A major spoiler as title gif?
You completed missed that amazing Facebook buys Oculus Rift April Fools gag! Still laughing my ass off over that one.
Well yeah, he can't really say anything bad to his new overlords. Deal with it, Carmack belongs to Facebook now.
Looks like the dominoes are starting to fall.
Just for the record, Jason is killing it on Twitter today:
It is this kind of reckless purchasing that just led to Disney closing Junction Point and LucasArts and liquidating 700 game developers. Way to spend your money, Disney.
On 2ch, Japan's largest forum, some net users tried to clarify the fan art, saying that she was being portrayed as an anime heroine—and not a sex symbol. "The reporter made a huge mistake," wrote one 2ch user, adding that she was less a sex symbol in Japan and more of a cute symbol. Eh... "She got maaaaaaaaaaad at…
I have nothing against tattoos, but this is just fucking stupid.
They should have the characters sprechen Deutsch.
btw that truck got caught because of that recording. Law enforcement in ontario I think got him.
Why settle for mediocrity? If the concept's been better executed elsewhere, ignoring it won't make this version any better.