so what about steam? just checked the link and steam is not listed but people have been talking about steam being affected all day
so what about steam? just checked the link and steam is not listed but people have been talking about steam being affected all day
jet boots is not what i call them. it is what they are called. did you even watch the nintendo direct?
mad respect to bluepoint for the 360 version.
but jet boots as the name suggests are thrusters that help her in combat. they are not limiting her they are improving her combat ability.
VIDEOGAME. why does the real life comparison keep coming up. female soldiers are not wearing heels for the same reason they are not wearing flip flops or sneakers
how is bayonetta a terrible example. does not matter how she looks or what she is supposed to be in your views. fact is she kicks so much major ass in the very same heels you so despise.
ps4 dissidia would be amazing. sadly seeing SE right now this just does not seem possible. so i guess vita dissida is the best you can hope for
so if a female fire fighter that is off duty (heels are not part of a official firefighter uniform so she clearly is not working right now) decided to run into a burning building to save a child because waiting for the rest of the firefighters would mean certain death for the child and she is a capable firefighter…
sexist is thinking that wearing heels makes her less of a badass character. you suddenly think less of the character because of heels.
would be cool too. i mean with ALBW pig ganon is the most recent zelda villian not a fan of the ALBW ganon design though
i'd rather have ganondorf back.
my reaction was. all these other megaman versions would have been a way cooler character than og mega
captain falcon trailer for ssb and at the end of the trailer captain falcon enters his blue falcon and breaks through the screen into the f-zero trailer
Sieg Yahoo!
since they have water and fire now from a different gen. Sceptile should be the grass starter
true. charziard as his own character is pretty much like sheik and zzs
i for one welcome the addition of the beauty mark.
zero suit is from zero mission. the gba remake of the first metroid