
You are correct, a typo on my part. Concept stands on 1D...

Deserving and getting are two different things. Our legal system isn't perfect, so lots of people who deserve some prison time or some kind of judicial punishment don't get it, and vice versa. I never advocated giving prison time to anyone without a fair trial, so don't act like I did...

I think you are confusing resolution and aspect ratio...

If you are measuring resolution in DPI, then it doubles because you are simply saying how many pixels fit within an inch on a 2D line. But if you are talking rsolution in terms of pixel density, then yes, it's 4 times larger. Both can be considered resolution.

It's the practice of trying to take from someone through subterfuge that I have a problem with, codified into law or not. Anyone who claims to be part of the "99%" yet strives to take what is not theirs through legal loopholes is a hypocrite. Regardless of whether or not you claim a side in that ridiculous divide,

Just get Backtrack. All the tools, none of the viruses.

There's no such thing as something for nothing. You either earn it yourself, or you're getting it at someone else's expense. If taking from others in any form to avoid making your own way becomes the way a sizeable portion of the population tries to live, we will all suffer for it.

And most of Iran's air force is US fighters from the 70's. Outdated tech is easy to beat. Nothing to worry about here...

Well yeah, but it just looks injured or unnatural...


Dear goodness Stallone, wtf is up with your right pec?

Their AEGIS system works pretty damn well...

Nothing yet. This video is a promo to bid for a gov contract.

The scenario they presented of a Su-27 launching an ASCM is a very real possibility and a primary threat if anything comes to blows with China. It's actually one of the prime purposes of China's stealth attack plane development.

That promo video made complete sense and demonstrated a possible future technology that I would love to see put in action.

You all obviously live in a world devoid of small children. Try as I might to supervise every minute my two year old daughter spends with my iPad or iPhone, she does drop it from time to time. Usually it's on carpet, so no biggie. But there is a big crack on the $15 case of my iPad 2 that otherwise would have

Which carries a stiffer sentance, contempt of court or mortgage fraud? I'm going to guess mortgage fraud. If that's the case, "I forgot the password" and risking contempt is the appropriate action. Unless they still get a conviction, then both charges go through...

I was just about to comment on this. DC has the cleanest subway I've seen in the US, by far...

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is meant to do just that, however it still does not have the intelligence gathering capabilities to warrant an abandonment of the U-2.

100% O2 is an option in the breathing systems in most fighter planes. I can personally confirm it is in the T-38 & F-16D.