
Came here to see lots of people posting about how horrible that thing that millions of people love is, and how beneath them it is because their tastes and preferences are so much more enlightened.

The term "fanboy" has existed for quite some time, and is in no way an Android/iPhone thing...

Another nice bit of security I noticed in iOS 8 is that the VPN stays connected even if the phone is locked. So far I haven't noticed a time limit for it to stay connected, but this is nice since I live outside the U.S. regularly want to use services which depend on a U.S. IP address, and reconnecting to the VPN

But if you force racial diversity that's just well-intentioned racism.

Imploding implies the internal pressure has gone down significantly. If this burger lowers your blood pressure, I believe we have a winner!

"My logic is undeniable" comes from I, Robot

That whale is such a dick...

Damn Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus...

I see green, light blue, and purple...

That actually fits the definition of occasional quite perfectly.

I discovered xkcd through Gizmodo's occasional posting of his comics. I think this is their intent.

I discovered xkcd through Gizmodo's occasional posting of his comics. I think this is their intent.

Depends on how much you like red snapper...

Most of the freedoms we enjoy today exist because many before us believed that war was not to be avoided at all costs.

If someone needs the graphic to tell them which part the cut of meat is, knowing what cut it is will not help them.

You pay only 10 cents for a gigabyte of data? That's pretty awesome!

Yeah, I'm also Fios. Must just be timing or locale. I don't complain because I love the constant speed.
Praying for Google Fiber though...

How did you get 75/25 for $55? I'm on the same bandwidth, and pay $25 more/month in Maryland. Did you talk them down, threaten to leave, or was that just the deal they gave you? Or is that just the internet component of a bundle? I have just Internet...

I keep seeing references to Gitmo like it's some hell hole where people are tortured regularly.

The insider threat is immensely hard to guard against. The polygraphs and background checks the NSA and greater intel community use to vet employees are not infallible. You can scrutinize an employee all you want when they come to your door, but once they are inside, what if their situation or perspective changes? How