
Sorry, let me clarify what I meant: If liquids are not allowed through security in large containers because there is no simple way to ensure the contents of the containers, how have they been certifying the contents of all the stuff you can buy past security? They check to see if everything looks right on paper and

Is TSA screening all those bottles of liquid you can buy inside security at an equivalent level as they are brought to the airport through the back door? No?

If this guy wasn't an idiot, he'd know that if people needed the page, they could view the cached Wikipedia page through Google...

This illicited no emotion in me whatsoever. Probably because I wasn't in a position to watch it with the audio on.

I think you stumbled on the reason behind every argument on the internet: There are multiple ways of looking at and understanding just about anything.

Crow finds jar lid with food particulate frozen inside, takes to roof top away from ground animals to get at food without being disturbed. Birds often stand on objects they are pecking at to hold it still. Metal roof is slippery, bird tenaciously holds on as food is scarce in winter, sliding down side of roof with

I myself said outloud, "USB 2.0? WTF?!"

Thanks a lot Bradley Manning...

First Crystal Pepsi, now this?! C'mon!!!!

I want him hacked! I want his friends hacked! I want his family hacked!

Army has quite a few drones...

Not really. I've done the research with some good sources rather recently, and I'm confident in the information. Besides, we're not going to war with China anytime soon. Not directly at least.

They bought their carrier from Russia. It was an incomplete build which sat around for years. It also uses a ski jump style ramp, which prohibits it from launching any large aircraft, unlike US built carriers.

If my employer asks it of me, yes.

Two things:

The comments section counts as being said by Fox News proper?

So glad I got VLC when I could! Is there any way to pass an app on to someone else which I DLed from the app store but which is no longer available?

If it can be done from a B-1, I'm sure a drone can fill Walter Peck's house with popcorn...