
Good decision...

Now you're just embarassing yourself. I was never a part of the greater discussion, nor did I show any political leaning at all. You assumed that based on my calling you out. Another display of exactly what I was talking about.

"I know being Republican means you ignore facts"

Nice to see Charlie Sheen has found follow-on work as HTC's PR rep...

Banna got it right. I'm not going to change the way I talk about the Jonger because he died. Death doesn't grant this psycho any portion of respect or reverence.

I can confidently say that the F-22 is getting more use than most people know...

Because other countries are catching up quickly. China has begun flight testing on a stealth attack aircraft. But the biggest reason is that the F-22 is not just about air to air combat, it's air superiority in the face of IADS (integrated air defense systems). As wonderful as our last generation fighters are in

A very small percentage of the DOD budget when spread over the near 30 years of the F-22 program. But as people are more important than machines, I can get onboard with cutting production of the 22 in hard times such as these, as long as the current inventory is fully supported.

As a 14N currently in the cyber realm, I'm going to disagree with your friends and say the AF has some pretty impressive cyber and ISR capabilties.

Curious as to your basis for certainty...

Sai fora!

I.e. We're not "stuck in 1981" with our aircraft. We've just shifted focus significantly. A dramatic increase in the use of RPAs and UAVs as well as a lot of money and personnel going into the cyber roll. Most units in the AF are going through some major downsizing right now. My group, a cyber intel group, is

You'd be surprised...

Do you know how many modern upgrades have been put into the F-15s & 16s since 1981? A modern Viper or Eagle would wipe the floor with its 1981 counterpart.

Not a true summary of the AF if it left out our entire ISR and cyberwarfare programs...


As someone who once drank, then stopped because the negatives outweighed the positives, I can vouche for this being a viable and realistic solution.

I knew it was a LARPing thing!

Does anyone have a link to an academic article or other reputable source which has a figure for how much CO2 the Earth generates through natural processes in comparison to how much humans generate?

But the bandwidth makes all the difference. I'd be hard pressed to get through 5GB of data in a month if I'm working with a 1Mbps connection (at best), versus a 15Mbps connection.