
I just don't see the point in 4G when it's limited to only a few GBs a month. The only time I feel the need for > 3G speed is when I want to watch a move or video of some kind, and streaming video would eat through any data plan US carriers have. It would kill me to have the speed to handle Netflix and Hulu HD but

I've always thought it interesting that harvesting crops (chopping down plant A) is a wonderful thing, while harvesting trees (chopping down plant B) is considered by many to be an un-eco-friendly thing.

Wait...wait... Nope, still don't care

Yep, it's a double edged sword. You can say that you can't trust me because it's over the internet, but at the same time, you'll never know for sure that I'm being truthful.

I make fun of people who stand in those lines because you can order online in 5 minutes and still get it on release day.

You shot low and high. I don't really care what you call me. You don't write my OPRs...

I'm not speculating.

We're slightly more engaged internationally than we were ten years ago, hence the budget. Bring us home and then I would totally agree with slashing the budget.

The F-22 hasn't been out of testing for remotely close to 14 years. I'm not saying it has flown any combat sorties for sure, I'm just saying that if it has don't be surprised that you don't know about it. You would be amazed at how many combat sorties the Air Force flies with its fighters and bombers that are

No, both were used in combat before official knowledge of their existence.

You can back up that sentiment wih historical examples, such as the F-117, B-2, etc. Both were, and in the case of the B-2 are, used without public knowledge

This money comes out of the defense budget, not some big pot that would otherwise go to schools or entitlement programs or NASA. If this wasn't spent on the F-22, it would have gone to some other defense allocation.

Yeah, until your alien replacement ruins it with your girlfriend...

Ha! That'll do it too!

Bad grammar. It enfuriates us to violence.

I'm just going to go ahead and assume you've never taken a statistics class...ever.

You'll notice by the time stamps on twitter feedsand news outlets covering the story it's been known for a little bit now that the shooter is the only victim. At least it's commonly accepted enough that I felt secure in throwing sarcasm into the mix...

How is that possible? Doesn't Berkley have laws against carrying guns on campus?

Apparently not...

Nope, just stating facts. Actors especially...