
Nope, sorry. Actors especially...

Nah, actors especially. They're paid to act like someone else.

There's nothing for him to "fix"... He tweeted something dumb. As with 99% of what's on twitter: Who cares?

That looks oddly similar to the checkout counter of the GWU Gelman library...

Your point loses merit when the art is easily confused with painter's scaffolding...

That's just how the art crowd likes it. They attach ridiculous numbers to these things so they can act like the rest of us just don't "see" the non-existent message or qualities of the art.

You could make an exact copy of this thing, and it wouldn't be valued at $1 million, proving that the value of art has very little to do with the actual art, it's just an artist popularity contest set to a monetary scale by vapid "intellectuals"

That explains so much! Some [insert any nationality] are really dumb!

Google NAV! GIVE ME GOOGLE NAV on the iPhone!!!! I don't care if your relationship is less than stelar with Google, you swallow your damn pride for the good of the customer! You're lagging behind and I'm tired of settling for Mapquest's sorry excuse for a navigation program. The technology is there, and Google

There are few places I have seen a stronger push for education than within the US military. Countless people who desperately needed education have found it within the military, received tuition assistance to find it on their own, or received GI Bill benefits through service and funded their higher education after

My 4S battery lasts a hell of a lot longer than my HTC Incredible's battery ever did. Isure miss Google Nav, but other than that I'm very happy with the switch.

Alright, I'll expound:

I am a medium to heavy user and mine has lasted all day without fail. I unplug it at 7 when I leave for work and plug it back in at 11 or so when I go to bed. I have yet to see it get below 15%...

The F-22 and F-35 are meant to work together. They each have different roles and capabilities.

Cue body moders carving cell phone docks into their non-prosthetic arms in 3..2..1..

Sorry, "Wheels" is taken...

Hmmmm, I have always spelled it with an 'e'. "Ax" looks weird to me to. <—- Yank

I don't trust that Steve Guttenberg guy, his experience is so limited in these things, it's like he's been living in a "Cocoon"...

Exactly, sometimes I need to change some settings depending on where I am staying. And depending on everything in a router, even an airport, to handle itself automatically, is not something I can bank on.

Have you ever been in a hotel room with just a wired connection? That.