
FINALLY! Now I can travel with just an iPad and an Airport Express, no need to bring the macbook just to set up the router.

Just keep that 4s in pristine condition and sell it right before the announcement of the IP5. You should be able to sell it for $350+, then a new phone will be about $300 or less. Not drastically higher than $200

Nope, does not fit the definition of ironic.

True, so a group of young toddlers on tricycles qualify as a "biker gang"

Genius... Genius...

Moped riders are the antithesis of bikers...

They've been making them for months. They are Verizon iPhone 4 cases.

Good to know that when I want to get an iPhone 5, I'll need to sell my 4S for at least $350 to come close enough to feel okay about buying an undiscounted new phone. I'm assuming these will be standard prices for undiscounted iPhones for the near future...

This will likely be my first iPhone, so my question is in regards to pre-ordering:

I would consider Apple foolish to have delayed the iPhone release this long only to release a bumped up 4. The guts have been around for quite a while for them to have released it with iOS 4 on it, and I wouldn't understand the delay. I also wouldn't understand the fiasco with the SF police if all the individual had

If PETA is all in favor of sharks eating people, why are they not out in the bay soaked in chum right now?

Just as a side note, a 500lb bomb such as a Mk-82 is 500lb by total weight. The amount of explosive contained within varies from bomb to bomb.

It was always my understanding that the roll generated by rudder use was a gyroscopic issue. Have you ever spun a bike tire, and when you rotate it, you get a rotation at a 90 degree angle from the angular velocity of the spinning wheel? The same happens in aircraft with spinning engines. You rotate it one way

I mentioned that very sentiment in another post of mine saying that this law now makes sense considering how much our phones hold, whereas before they held virtually nothing in the way of personal data. So this law coming about is not justice finally being done, but justice catching up with changing technology.

That and MANPADS are almost all IR. Don't think balloons give off much heat.

How high do you think bullets go? They could easily fly it over their vertical range, and last I checked the Taliban and other anti-coalition groups aren't towing or driving around much AAA...

A lot of the commenters need to take note that the previous law only allowed cell phones and devices to be searched incident to an arrest. The police were not allowed to just walk up and demand your cell phone for no reason. While I agree with this new ruling as it makes sense to only allow searches on arrestees who

The fourth amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure. It's typically considered reasonable to be able to search a person that has already been arrested. I can see this going both ways. If this was talking about searching people's cell phones who have done nothing wrong, that would be altogether

Yes, and they have top minds working on that stuff... Top...minds...

I had one of those when I loved in Brazil. Perfectly safe... Except for those two times I reached up for something without looking and electrocuted myself.