
Hot water is good at releasing stains. Hot dryers are good at setting them in permanently.

Considering how inactive they are, I bet their meat is pretty tender...

That's right kids, chocolate is good for you! And it gave me a job and helped put food in the mouths and clothes on the backs of my two sweet kids, Eugene and Doris, and my adoring wife, Charlene...

Same, but I'm color indifferent.

Agreed. I guess I'm surprised they didn't look to modify the hypothesis of how the earth was formed, they went with the materials being delivered on a series of meteors. Kind of "deus ex machina" to me...

I don't understand. What exactly is the difference between Facebook and a toilet to begin with?

I would agree with you. If you are referring to me, I didn't exactly present an opposing argument, simply found it interesting that a scientist confronted by an inconsistency in the composition of the earth and our theory of its creation would resort to meteors laden with gold as the likely answer, more likely than

Did the possibility not enter their minds that perhaps our scientific conclusions on how the Earth was formed could possibly be wrong? Seems like just saying"It came from outer space!" would come from the Spielberg playbook. Sure, it's possible, but I would say chances are better that the Earth formed differently

You completely miss the point of the banner to begin with and what it was intended to say. To quote George W. Bush:

As an example of one of the greatest pieces of spin in the last 10 years? Just checking... you do realize that the sign was not placed there by anyone in the Bush administration, right? You do realize it was placed there by the crew of the ship congratulating the sailors for having finished their particular mission,

I figured that's what you were saying, it just sounded funny to say that Texas government was culpable in the drought itself. I currently am in Texas, and have hated life this summer because of this damn heat.

With my background, I do not take tech blog comment discussions very seriously.

It's true, the legal workings of Texas have stopped the rain.

You act as though terrorism of the Islamic variety is some phantasm that never physically manifested. You can certainly argue the merits of W's method of confronting it, but to say that the problem itself was a bluf is a little naive. If that's wha you're saying...

Yes, studied it for multiple purposes. Work in the intel community and studied security at GWU. It's come up...

Neither have you read it...

Do you realize you are creating a no win situation for the US intelligence community? On one hand, if they only release warnings and information in the face of an imminent attack, people will complain that they waited to long, kept the people in the dark, yadda yadda yadda. But if they advise the public of potential

+1. I was just about to type, "If it's good enough for Bond..."

If you look into it I think you'll find that the J-20 is intended for a different purpose than the F-22. And all we've seen is the thing fly, we don't know for sure if it's as capable.