
I'd be very curious to know what this guy's red blood cell count is. Watching him essentially sprint to the top made my lungs hurt...

An important distinction to make, true. But Russia's intents are different for the US and Europe. They just want to keep us on our toes and intimidate. In Europe, they want to have legitimate political and military clout again, so the incursion makes more sense there.

I can't speak to the nuclear piece during the cold war, but I wouldn't be surprised if a B-52 with nukes was kept in the air at all times. I would say it wasn't necessary considering the persistent and far more hidden and enduring nature of SSBN submarines. In regards to keeping planes flying now, yeah, you are

Looks like the inside of an SA-4...

Tu-95s still fly right up to US airspace all the time.

They fly these things right up to the US border in Alaska all the time. No big deal. Just the Russians doing the same crap they always do.

The US flies many a plane around various parts of the world for intelligence collections and as a show of force. But the B-52 is not one of them.

Let's see if he spends his retirement half as well as Bill Gates has...

I honestly think less of a person when I see them using left click to copy/paste instead of keyboard shortcuts

There is a level of severity it has to reach, true. A friend of mine has a daughter who broke her arm, but he had no insurance and was flat broke when he took her in. They still went ahead and set her arm and saddled him with a huge bill. He simply never paid it.

Nope, you're right. They can't turn you away. So in a way we do have universal health care, as long as you mind declaring bankrupcy and/or your credit going to the crapper. The taxpayers will foot the bill, just like in Canada.

When the Air Force says "kinetic strike" we simply mean putting bombs on targets. Sam was right in that it means blowing shit up, but it's not intended to be a euphamism, it's a legitimate term we actually use on the job.

Sam, if you could do a bit more research that would be awesome. A GBU-31 is not a dumb bomb. It has gps-aided inertial guidance. And your title image is an F-18. There are more inaccuracies, but those are three major ones...

Defense spending is a smaller percentage of federal spending than entitlements and interest on national debt. If we're going to attack travesties of budgeting, let's go after the big ones first.

Wow... try to help a fellow commenter out by pointing out further sources of statements in an article and receive in reply one of the more pretentious attempts to insinuate stupidity I've ever seen.

Our education system may have problems, but throwing money at it won't fix it. As I said in another response, the education system needs to be reworked in some major ways to remove bureaucracy.

The only problem with that is thinking money will solve the problem. Sending kids to college might work, and there are many programs of reduced tuition etc which could use a hand, but K-12 doesn't need more money, teacher's unions need to be disbanded.

The AT&T reference in the quote from All THings D and Giz's reference to Apple's ban on vacation are two different things. Giz has reported in the past that Apple is supposedly recalling employees for part time work and forbidding vacation in late September, and All THings D is referencing a similar thing apparently

The budget is approved by Congress, which is made up of those people you voted into office. It's not a popular vote because we live in a republic.

Except it's the government's job to protect you, but it's your job to send yourself to college.