
There are a quite a few other planes which have been in development by other countries recently, some of which would actually stand up pretty well against our 4th gen fighters such as the F-15C. The F-10 in China is a pretty impressive plane, as well as the Eurofighter. And as someone also mentioned, China is

If the military had so much control over its budget, we wouldn't be reducing our ranks in record numbers as we are doing right now. We also wouldn't be in the budget crunch we are in right now if we had stores of money just sitting around. The military is being told it needs to do more with less in a way which

You're right, a small stealth RPA would be tough to hit, but if it was going to happen, near an Iranian nuclear facility is a likely place. They have heavy radar coverage as well as human spotters in those areas.

Small businesses, if they are small enough, are handled the same as personal income.

I can honestly say I love Apple products, but I hate going to Apple stores. It makes me feel like I've joined a cult.

My uncle is one such person. He has told me personally that he intends to get out of the game if taxes on his small businesses go up any more. He has created hundreds of jobs over the past twenty+ years,and I know a few of his colleagues who have done and feel the same way.

SAMS don't need to directly hit a target, some have a lethal radius of up to 600 feet. And stealth isn't invisible, any human working with a good target tracking/engagement radar can take down a stealth aircraft, unless it has the assistance of a jamming platform such as a Cobra Ball or F-16CM nearby.

I can tell you right now, an SA-20 could knock an SR-71 out of the sky no problem. The Russians make damn good SAM systems.

Everybody always thinks the other guy isn't paying enough, even if the other guy is paying a far greater total sum and a much higher percentage. Tax the rich enough, and their net income gets closer to that of the middle or upper middle class, then what motivation do they have to get rich?

No airbreathing aircraft flies out of the reach of all SAMS. The U2 got shot down by an SA-2, and that's the highest flying plane in the USAF inventory at this time.

You haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about...

True, I guess it all depends on the child's age. Unfortunately nowadays it seems we have to explain it to our children much earlier than we would like to just to make sure we get to our kids before anyone else does concerning this stuff...

I can't count the number of times I have gone to the grocery store only to find that there are four self checkout lanes, and they are all closed. WTF!?! The whole point is that they don't need a person there. They should always be open!

Definitely the US Army's best looking aircraft...

Either you explain it to your kids, or someone else will. I personally prefer to be my child's parent, and not leave it to others to do it.

That causes irritation for you? You must be in perpetual misery...