
You simply can't please all the people any of the time. If something as simple as a gender field in a profile can raise this much discussion, disagreement, and even anger, we're never going to be satisfied, no matter how much we hound, complain, and sue for every possible whim and idiosyncracy to be acommodated by

The ban doesn't mean soldiers can't wear them ever, it just means that they can't wear them as part of official PT, as in they can't be worn together with the official Army PT gear. Brightly colored running shoes have always been similarly banned. As far as wearing them on your own time, go right ahead, soldier!

Bringing down the CIA's unsecured internet site and bragging you brought down the CIA is like burning down a US Marines recruiting booth and saying you just destroyed the Marines.

Talk to anyone in the Secret Service or the FBI and they will tell you that this guy is far from being the most wanted hacker in the world. He's just the most popular right now...

All he needs to do is go to his local concert hall and find the prop room...

The powder is burned off before the shell exits. You are seeing the extremely hot exhaust come into contact with the oxygen in the air and lighting up.

No, most of it is going to pay salaries, supply fuel, equipment, maintenance, R&D, training, etc. Yes, some of it is going to undisclosed projects. They are undisclosed for a reason, and it's not because your neighbors and relatives who work in the military or the government are trying to hide it from you out of

The tip of the spear is useless without the rest of it.

When I hear stories about people like that, I feel pity for them having made the choices they did, but I can't feel pity for them as though they were a victim...

Did #4 go on to be Adam West's Batmobile, or am I mistaken?

If you wait until the aggression starts, then it will be too late to do anything about it. The fact that the US and Russia are reducing their nuclear arsenal shows our intention to not have a nuclear show-down. We're both too smart for that one, mutually assured destruction and all. If we're going to get nuked,

Yeah, the more recent variants of the Su-27 are extremely capable, especially when armed with the AA-12. Sukhoi is in the process of creating a 5th gen fighter, and as Gizmodo recently covered, China has already done flight testing on the J-20. Even China's F-10 (J-10) is a highly capable fighter compared to our

Compare the collateral damage of conflicts like WW2 or Vietnam to how we use technology to fight today. We kill fewer people and fewer of our men get killed. It takes everyone to agree on peace, but only one person to insist on war.

Wow, way to be a dick. Just because you get your info from Wikipedia, doesn't mean that's where I get mine. And just to add on to the little X-29 vs F-35 fictional engagement, similarly arming them both wouldn't be enough, as the F-35 as a pretty nice AESA radar which would give it a significant targeting edge,

As good as this plane is, it can't just waltz through their SAM systems. Besides, if we get into a war with DPRK it's not going to be an air war, it'll be a ground war. This plane is meant to compete with countries like China and Russia in the air, and the IADS of the multiple countries which can't afford to fight

The B-2 is the most expensive plane as far as cost-per-unit. If you're talking about fighters only, then the F-22 is the most expensive to date.

When your one car gets too old to efficiently maintain, you buy one new car. When your 2443 F-16s get too old to efficiently maintain and compete, you buy 2443 new F-35s.

Good thing they won't engage in combat in V/STOL mode, especially the F-35A & C

It would more than likely take out the X-29 with an AIM 120 from many miles away without the X-29 ever picking it up on radar.

Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Russia, etc... Unless you took away their air defense systems and/or had a nice sit down with them and cleared everything up. In which case, thanks.