
Not well, but it will be much better at avoiding SAMS which our Air Force pilots deal with on a relatively regular basis. Stealth isn't just about air to air superiority, it's about being able to penetrate defenses to minimize danger to pilots and make combat less dangerous for all sides involved.

Most of that has already been spent in R&D. Would you rather we buy 0 and lose the investment while lagging behind other countries who are on less than friendly terms with us?


Image fail...

This makes me happy to not be a mainstream Christian.

Oh crap! The rapture's really upon us!

I would say they can't be mutually exclusive.

I have a feeling your program would quickly weed out the weak from among that crazy herd.

I just have to throw in here that Christianity does look towards the return of Jesus Christ, but the concept of the rapture as it is popularly known is some nut job's erroneous interpretation of the Bible which has somehow caught on.

You missed the biggest one:

Too fast!

I never claimed personal belief trumps scientific evidence. That would be kind of silly as scientific evidence is one way to arrive at personal beliefs. Scientific evidence is a source, and personal beliefs are a result. They are different concepts entirely.

You can't find out there is nothing else. If there is nothing else, your consciousness never existed to begin with, as you are just a complex conglomerate of chemical reactions following natural laws and you have no capability to alter them in any way, locking in your every move and reaction to outside influence. If

I'm going to throw this little bomb into the crowd and walk away, because I refuse to argue about religion, and my input will explain why, if you understand what I say.

Yeah, it's only one, but as it's the sole agency of the DoD charged exclusively with a SIGINT job, they're going to pull in a ton more data than anyone else.

Nothing wrong with having style and charisma. But if that's why someone gets elected president, no matter your political leanings, we have a problem amongst the electorate.

Remember the stealth modifications? He was probably talking about that one...

In which case Google has no control over the color of the people the temp agency sends them...

The worst criminals are people.