
A company can't hire people who don't apply for the job. If the employees of that building are all "people of color", then that means white people aren't applying or Google is racist in favor of these people by giving them the jobs during a down economy.

As someone who speaks Brazilian Portuguese, that is an extremely funny sentence...

You had me up until Rocky Horror Picture Show...

Like so many things, the effects of radiation on people are not understood, much less predictable:

Might want to check the URL on the 9to5Mac hyperlink at the end...

Nice... Almost as good as the Air Force's T-6A Texan II simulators. Almost...

If I were buying an iPad for the first time, I'd happily pay the extra $100 for the 2. But I'm when I get a new iPad my wife gets the old one, so I can't sell it to defray the cost of the new one. And $600 to upgrade my iPad is too much.

Sounds like someone is trying to make us want to upgrade to #2...

As mentioned by others, they don't care about the people who visited the site, they just want to establish the fact that many people gained access to his hacks through the website. Visit all you want, Sony has no legal ground to stop you from hacking your own system.

Ta tudo bem, cara. A gente entende...


This. Nothing dumber than calling back and telling the person who picks up "Hi, I'm so-and-so, I received a call from this number. Was that you?"

Just allow swype on the iphone.

Most people in the US think Brazil speaks Spanish anyway, so doubtful you'd have gotten much confusion...

The point is that the iPad does not scroll the right frame seperately and has some other issues framing Gawker's new layout.

Your phone etiquette isn't the problem, my friend...

"As they're wont to do" is grammatically correct. No correction needed.

Looks like it still wasn't enough...

It's sad that you had to clarify the zero gravity bit, because you know if you didn't, someone in the comments would get all huffy and whine about it not actually being zero gravity, even though the effects are identical.

@d-avid: I never said we should support the belief, just saying that removing someone's star for expressing a belief about a practice would demonstrate intolerance.