
@JonathanATTY: Pick either the best you like of the ones you can afford, or best you can afford of the ones you like.

@DavidWizard: Your principle would be completely valid if we were talking about civilians. But we're not, which changes it completely. They also haven't issued a blanket statement or order saying Airmen can't read NYTimes on their own time. They could do that, and it would be legal to court-martial a serviceman who

@OldSlowJetta: Brand elitism is for douches. Buy what you like and can afford.

My 2006 Accord had no tape deck and no aux input. So I opened the dash, found the audio inputs int he back of the unit, and made my own AUX input. Took about an hour, and cost $12 for the wires and epoxy.

@jchen1: I think he's much more deserving of a medal or even a commendation, but we can give him a piece of metal or accommodate him if we want.

@triplecheeseburger: Israel has more balls than we do lately. We wouldn't have to ask them to do it, they're the ones whose country has been threatened with complete destruction by the country building nukes.

I've been using Google Images to body browse for years now.

@zenneth: That episode actually re-introduced me to Colin Hay. Overkill is a great song, and there's a bunch of others, if you haven't checked his new stuff out.

That was weird. When I crossed my eyes to match up the square, I found that every time I blinked the color of the mixed square would switch back and forth from blue to yellow. If I forced my eyes to stay open, the box would fade back and forth between the colors from left to right, with about a 2-3 second pause

♫ Livin' in the Land Down-under!

I have a friend who is a lover of all things Mac, an atheist, a vegan, and an avid supporter of PETA.

@Tycho Vhargon: I've used my cell phone many times while flying privately. Works just fine as long you're below 3000' AGL, sometimes higher...

@DavidWizard: So you really can't understand why the US Military would want to block access for its non-classified computers to a site which is known to be displaying information from classfied documents?

First TSA, now UPS? Keep your hands off our packages!

I've seen a game you piss on to play before. Though, I'd actually classify it as gambling...

Great idea. I've had my Mini for 6 months now, and haven't used the CD player once. 100% radio and plugged in phone. Make it compatable with Android and have a universally sized dock with adapters for different phones, and I would be interested.

@reuthermonkey: The economics of it make sense. It's just tough to see...


@davepermen: I was not aware that violating classification laws on government computers is a basic right under the UCMJ. You should talk to our JAG officers here, they would be interested to have a conversation about that one with you.

@DavidWizard: Do you think the Air Force wants to waste time and energy keeping a constant eye on all individual articles published by numerous websites? It's much easier and quicker to simply block the whole domain.