
@NeoTechni: Very silly. You just don't see it.

I'm perfectly fine with tiered pricing. However, I don't think the tiers should be determined based on cumulative data downloaded per month, they should be priced based on bandwidth. Everyone has unlimited, you just pay for how fast you can dl/ul.

@JDickson87: I would certainly use 5x more. Once you cross the threshhold where streaming HD video becomes possible, people are going to start using it. If you watch a couple netflix movies or Hulu Plus movies on your computer a month in max resolution, you're going to destroy that 5GB barrier.

@TanyaRei: Now you're just being silly. It's entertaining, though!

@touchitgently: Wow. You really do throw random judgements and assumptions around, don't you? Show me where I've said anything remotely religious. My beef is with blanket judgements of inferiority over any group of people. You want to talk about what causes hate and wars? There you have it right there.

@CaptainJack: Good point. That's actually a very likely explanation.

@touchitgently: So you don't dislike them, but you will throw insults at them and call it an observation?

@touchitgently: The problem is that you don't see how perfectly it describes your original comment as well.

@CaptainJack: Washington DC as a city was designed well before the pentagram became commonly associated with satan. It is also an old Christian symbol.

@touchitgently: I personally find that smug, judgmental douchebags cause more angst in my own personal life than anything, religion or not.

@Angler: You just listed off a bunch of planes that could have been sold over three decades ago. You know, before Jimmy Carter when we had awesome relations with the Shah of Iran, back when we were allies...

@ctxppc: Nope, in a T-6A Texan II

@Wonko.The.Sane: He's not. Or is that the joke and I missed it?

@siwex80: So are they going to have approved SSD upgrades?

As a private pilot and former military pilot, this makes complete sense to me. When you are learning to fly, students stick completely to VFR (visual flight rules), which require a certain level of visibility so the student can fly and navigate based on ground references. This is because once your vision is

I find this to be an interesting move on Apple's part, one that makes no sense. They make it as simple as possible to upgrade things like RAM on the iMacs and Macbooks, like they want you to bypass their $200 upgrade charge to do it yourself through 3rd party supplier.

@rock99rock: Don't worry, not even the comment system can keep a Neverending Story reference from being awesome.

@TheCrudMan: I'd say something to the effect of "She doesn;t look like much, kid, but she's got it where it counts", but the BB Storm doesn't deserve to be referenced by a Han Solo quote.

By the personal command of the Fuhrer. Secrecy essential to success. Eliminate the American conspirators.

@TheCrudMan: There's a problem there. It's a Blackberry Storm 1. No wifi. There's a reason that thing is now an alarm clock...