
I wish I was a CEO of a major tech corporation so that my refusal to obey international law would be deemed "ridiculous" as well.

Someone's jealous...

I'll be curious to see how 4G handles all those pesky buildings.

@Lübnäh: has an ümlaüt: x3.28i: You'd think after a while in Gizmodo I'd learn that there are a large number of people out there who don't have the ability to recognize a joke, and even less who will take it as such.

@danio3834: The problem is you are using a term like "better" without saying what scale of measurement you are using.

I tend to not trust a guy talking about cars if he's wearing a purple v-neck and a polka dot cardigan.

@Alfisted: Now that, good sir, is a damn good pun.

Okay, I got a little teary-eyed watching that video...

I wish his drawings would show the excretry system of the Canon. I've always been told that Canon's put out a lot of crap.

@chocolatebanana: True, the infrastructure does cost a good chunk of change to establish, but transmitting data itself is dirt cheap, which is what I think he was talking about. But like Philip Barnett said, you can't just diregard the establishment costs of the gear.

@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: No, but a wire or fiber has a maximum bandwidth, and the less they give to each customer, the more they can feed with that wire. It's not about cost to send the data, it's about bandwidth real estate.

@otus: Yes, but my main point of contention with the Galaxy Tab is the possibility of it being locked into a two year data contract, which I am not willing to do. I will not pay twice for the same data connection from the same company if it is through Verizon, nor will I be locked into a contract wherein upgrading

If approved, this would convince me to get the iPad over the Samsung Galaxy Tab.

@baneyu: True, and the models usually come as a package deal with the millions of $.