
Didn't some pastor in Florida recently discover a fool-proof way to identify people willing to kill for their ideology?

So what you're saying is that the Galaxy Tab was rushed to market just to get a foot in the door, and was forced to be a big phone rather than a tablet because of OS limitations and a more legitimate tablet will be available possibly by end of calendar year with an OS to match?

@Agras: usually to get them to sit still and be quiet for a while.

Make this work with bluetooth headphones.

@dethwolf_x: Okay, I'll agree with you there, it's important to keep your eye on the nutjobs. Personally, in all of this, I think the biggest nutjobs to worry about are the ones making the death threats.

"To the moon, Alice! To the moon!"

@LuVGdts: You hit the nail on the head. It's not the religion of a group of violent people that matters, it is the fact that they are violent.

@dethwolf_x: They don't have to go away. They are perfectly able to stay as long as they don't infringe on other people's rights.

@MrGrinch: Right, people wouldn't find anything to fight about...

@GizmoTron9000VowsToEarnBackHis...: Youv'e successfully identified the proper reaction to this kind of thing: tolerate and ignore.

@DARSFOG: He will not. Becuase most people know how to identify those truly responsible for violence.

@DARSFOG: Yet again, you are horribly skipping steps. Burning books does not cause danger of any kind. Picking up a gun in anger or planting an IED in anger causes the danger. Ther is no causal relationship AT ALL between offending action, offended feelings, and violent response. There a little thing in the middle

@Instantdad: Except that yelling "fire" in a theater results in the reasonable reaction of people getting out of the building as fast as they can. Threatening to kill people for burning a book is not a reasonable reaction.

@CrispyAardvark: You mean the "grizzly bear" with the M4? Of that I have no doubt.

@mrm: Oh, the very fundamentaliest.

@Instantdad: I seriously doubt that burning books is going to directly cause death and destruction. People shooting guns at, or planting bombs to harm soldiers and innocents will result in death and destruction. Although related, these two incidents are commited by the will and decisions of two different groups of

@mohamedzv2001: I didn't mention any religion whatsoever in my post. Read it again. I specifically mentioned "people making the threats".

@DARSFOG: So you are saying that the US government shoud set aside the First Amendment in favor of the Muslim religion, and no others? Doesn't that kind of fly in the face of everything it stands for? I hate flag burning, but I'll defend the right to do it.