San Baban

I hadn’t seen any Guilias in months and I saw two yesterday.

And people wonder why Alfa reliability jokes are still funny.  They’ll stop being funny...when they stop being true.

Never forget this is the same company that basically did this:

Take off covers, breaks tabs on said cover, never puts cover back on.  

They had to switch to Italian because the original “So Focking Loight, Innit” just didn’t resonate in the marketing materials.

How these beef-boys will be parked:

Every BMW ships from the factory with working turn signals both left and right

Tesla is ahead of schedule.  They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.


I think we know what the white powder is...

Surprisingly, $20-22k is what 12-year-old RS4 sedans with six-digit mileage are going for these days apparently...

$20,500? He's Audi his mind!

Absolutely the right take on this. I work at a Chev dealership, and seeing the salesmen try and sell this lukewarm baby stroller to families is just so so sad.

I thought car wash mode in a MB is just an automated text message to your assistant/servant to wash the car.

Someone who was missing their Palm Pilot?

In America this is now a 4 Door Luxury Sedan and properly equipped has 900ft/lbs of torque

That’s what happens when you design the dashboard around an ~8” screen, and then late in development higher ups say no we need a larger screen for competitive reasons.

Sorry to tell you but he probably got a promotion.  The bosses liked his work and he got kicked upstairs.  At least that’s how it works at my job.