Oh, let me be dramatic! I don’t want to take a nuanced view, it makes me feel better to envision him as a cardboard cutout of everything that sucks about the world.
Oh, let me be dramatic! I don’t want to take a nuanced view, it makes me feel better to envision him as a cardboard cutout of everything that sucks about the world.
To that point, he says he’s “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit...
If Barsanti doesn’t mention that he’s #withher, they’ll take away his dental coverage.
Hillary’s decision to feint like she was making a play in Republican strongholds like Iowa and Texas (fucking TEXAS) instead of campaigning in Democratic firewall states Michigan, Wisconsin (a state whose primary she lost and then NEVER SET FOOT IN DURING THE GENERAL CAMPAIGN,) and Pennsylvania until it was far too…
How long did it take Clinton to concede to Obama?
Today happens to be the anniversary of her “Basket of Deplorables” speech.
what documentary did you watch? Because that isn’t accurate.
Obama had to pay Hillary to campaign for him.
Bernie Sanders’ decision to pout for a while when he lost instead of trying harder to convince his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton
It’s the “if you put on screen, you’re validating it” set. See also, Netflix Insatiable. (not “see” literally, it’s kinda mediocre, but it is not what people say it’s about).
A lot of people would like to see it, especially knowing CK would not profit from it. It’s not like it contains scenes of him masturbating. It’s just a movie. No doubt a lot of movies were made by some people who did bad things we just don’t know about.
it’s okay for very young women to fuck creepy old men
I’m slightly (only slightly) conflicted on this one. I fully support #metoo, #timesup and all that jazz, but I think the mistake here was Shane Black trying to hide his friend’s criminal background.
As a convicted felon and registered sex offender, Striegel has been held accountable by the justice system - he’s not in…
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I always get butt hurt when Drew starts making fun of my city even though I KNOW it’s a roast and that’s the whole point.
At a concert I was dragged to, I once had to watch Imagine Dragons attempt a Rush song - Tom Sawyer.
I said this in another post: every fucking letter better be, “yes, some of our fans suck but WE WON THE SUPER BOWL! NO MORE NO RINGS MEMES! WEEEEE!”
Read it in this voice.
Next up: Philadelphia Eagles.
This is this dude’s first-ever post lol