
Saying Miley can "totally sing for sure!" is like saying Carrie Underwood "totally acted her a$$ off in The Sound of Music tonight!"

Respectfully disagree to the most televised live stuff... Miley is like Katy Perry... Whereas the Gagas, the Beyonces, the JHuds... they don't need an excuse like that. But, to each their own. Don't get me wrong, I JAM to Wrecking Ball every time it comes on. I just admit she is studio edit good, and not raw natural

The fact that EVERYONE only ever links that darn Miley " she can't NOT sing" song drives me nuts. I just want to post the 544324215465 live stuff she has done that sounds horrible. We Can't Stop is like 87% autotune. She can sound good, sure, but it is few and far between.

SQUEE! I got my Aussie from the humane society... told me he was a mix. Went to nearest vet. Turns out, I got me a pure bred, as my Bosley had been going to that same vet since he was a pup! Seriously, they are the best. I am even in love with his insane shedding.

Drat! We shall never be family, only internet friends. Which I still enjoy!

Did they loose their house and just barely get another while she is unemployed and he holds down a job that certainly can't provide for 5 kids under 10, his booze habit, and her eyebrow pencil habit, yet the refuse to admit they get assistance? ;) Cause if this scenario matches, I can't wait till they get married and

My cousins girlfriend posted this the other day... thankfully, I have the other side of the family in town this week! :)

I've topped out at only 3 in one night! Hazzah for you! Keep it up! Hope he is a keeper!

Breakfast sandwiches make life worth living.

It's hard to try and fix someone who knowingly knows they need to fix themselves, yet refuses to do it. I am wrestling with some guilt here, but I don't need fixing or saving, and I am so worn down and dead tired of trying to fix people who aren't motivated to get it done themselves.

I just got home from a "date" where the guy called me from the driveway of my house to let me know here was there... I suck at picking men. Thank goodness for my dog, who wont let me mope about.


Corgy pup, all tongue, all the time!


I've only ever really seen him on Project Runway, and this makes me take his critiques even more seriously. I totally dig all of these!

Thank you for the lifehacker link! :) I will read it NOW!

Are home warrantys available in all states?

I've never heard of! I will gladly check that out.

The $20 starter pack came with 10 filters. Each filter is supposed to be the equivalent of a pack, so it really is cheaper than cigarettes. And you don't smoke like you do cigarettes... you aren't required to smoke an entire cig when you take a puff. You can take 5 puffs or 20. So that is a nice feature too!

My mom posts my baby photos and childhood photos on facebook and TAGS me in them. Along with fun phrases of encouragement and/or embarrassment.