For the first 10 minutes of Resident Evil 4, there's scarcely an enemy.
For the first 10 minutes of Resident Evil 4, there's scarcely an enemy.
"Nightmare fuel"?
Really? There are Pumpkin Spice Oreos now? Fine. Let's get this over with.
"babies seem to be the cause of many of the game's early problems"
Sometimes I wish I could just end contact with people for days. My interactions always seem horrible, and my job demands me sitting at a CAD computer, trying to make a design work with people who have no understanding of mechanics dictating what they what.
Imagine being lonely. Not 'no dates for a year' kind of lonely. No, we're talking no physical human contact for days on end, with only a voice on the phone for company. Then, things start to get tense. Trust erodes. What would that do you? Firewatch aims to find out.
Once I was pretty high and decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich, and forgot to take the wax paper out from between the two slices of cheese that I used. I realized it about a third of the way in but didn't want my sandwich to go to waste so ate the rest of it. The texture kind of works in a grilled cheese, at…
It's part of the universal human experience: an irrational and unproductive obsession with what other people think…
I know, it's terrible. They make great games and like... people ENJOY THEM. EW. What's wrong with them??
Being dumb is a turnoff. Seriously. Worst possible thing anyone could do.
Actually, my partner is so pleased with the fact that I am sensitive and secure enough to write for Jezebel on the daily (about only the most important topics and never weird sex trends and puppies) that all we do is have sex and eat lunchables. And then I get paid for this!
"Don't be That VR Guy," I keep thinking. I've spent the last couple of weeks playing Elite: Dangerous, a PC…
Look. I just want the technology to get to the point of Sword Art Online. When I can completely immerse myself to that degree, I will shell out thousands upon thousands of dollars if that's what it takes.
I would argue it's one of the best things about games like these. Player emergent stories are awesome. Whether The Sims or Dwarf Fortress it's neat to see a story develop without scripts and cutscenes forcing the narration.
I make dinner and go to work every day in real life; why would I play a game that involves doing the exact same things (albeit in a slightly nicer house than my own)?