They used enhance.
People are afraid of what they don't understand. Personally, i think blurring the lines with bisexuality makes a lot of gay and straight people nervous.
I didn't marry her for her gender. I married her because she's my best friend.
ok, I won't.
"Your honor, my client is not guilty by virtue of being a swan."
We've got a very special treat today: Starting at 1 p.m., LeVar Burton will be here and answering your questions! He…
I think you're wildly misinterpreting this post. This isn't saying "Okay, it's safe to ignore people who are flailing because that doesn't really count." It's saying "Hey, drowning might be more subtle than you think it is, so you should ALSO watch for this."
Let me do a pre-post of the common comments so we can avoid clutter.
He was about 12, and The Prisoner of Azkaban had just been published. I was about 19. HP was just getting famous in the US. I bought the books for him, but he refused to read them. I picked the first one up myself and started reading it myself. I loved them, and the next evening after dinner I literally dragged him to…
Yes, I'm so glad I live in a society where mentally ill 12-year-olds get treated like adults. Why can't they just be older and healthier?
Me too! Great film.
I think this is apropos.
i dont think ive ever heard someone on the internet make a dick joke but ask if it was too rude
"The rare golden gem"
As a lesbian living in a heteronormative world, I'll take conventionally-attractive lesbians if that means we get to see them in advertising/media. Besides, we lesbians like conventionally-attractive people too.
Their 'safety harnesses' keep blowing up whenever they walk past the security checkpoint.