
One of my employees drives a recent white 3-series with an automatic transmission. Truthfully, the one time I rode in it with her, I almost wept at its mediocrity. What a pathetic, overpriced, glorified Corolla that thing is. This, on the other hand, is a car worth driving.

Funny, but has one too many zeroes in price.

Why don’t these turds just look at the electric car as another opportunity to make money?

You tell us.

Hi. Apple designer here. I drive a car and I buy my own clothes because I am all growed up. No, I won’t tell you what I’m working on.

Nope. VW GTI.

Bah. It doesn’t even say “Make Ferrari Great Again.”

Looks good!

That price has too many zeros in it.

I like it fine but the cap is terrible.

A big, fully equipped BMW K-Bike makes this a whole lot easier. I useta ride an older one and found 600 miles a lot less fatiguing that doing the same trip in a cage.

You had me at spider eyes.

Is it a tragedy when a man dies doing what he loves?


This is dangerous idiocy. Now all of you freedumb lovin’ yokels may pile on and tell me what a p*ssy and a buzzkill I am.

Marchionne is a moehl now?

It was no effort, took no time, and I’m not worked up. It’s a casual observation. Sorry.

Thanks. I’m a little perplexed too. Lots of hate.

Well, you’re pretty worked up about it, aren’t you?