
Funny, my book collection smells like motor oil and Goop.

That nice lady forgot to put her pants on.

This is INSANITY. I would DD it.

Good point. I’m not sure what the protocol was for snorting coke in the car in 1958, either.

I think if you work with the public enough, you learn to expect anything, but not necessarily to like it.

I wonder how much blow a dollar buys?

Duh, _always_ wait until the cop has left the scene to snort your coke. What do they even teach in driver ed now?

It’s true. That thing is such a monster. I run out of the house to stare and jump up and down if one comes by. And, BTW, I am a grown man. It’s that great.

Now playing

I’ll miss the sound of the current engines, though. That is one plane that you certainly hear coming. Skip to 0:24 if you want to hear, then imagine it turned up to like 130 dB.

1. ‘Murica

I rounded to a sensible number of significant digits. “Pacific island governments” makes it sound like it’s one of many similar countries, when, in fact, it’s the fourth most-populous nation on the planet. I suppose you could compare it to the Phillipines or Japan, though both are much smaller and they don’t have a

Two things are missing: emergency services and savage mob justice.

Indonesia’s not small-change, though. Their population is over 250 million.

Chopper poop. That is all.

There is overlap.

Florida, probs.

Next innovation: delivery straight to one’s home or business. Trust me, that could be yuge.’s getting a little worse. ;) I kid, I kid, we were all teenagers once upon a time.

I’m sure you’re a great guy, but isn’t “I got laid in a Taurus” just one step removed from “I made out with my cousin in the chicken coop?”