-When New Girl came out, it took me almost a full season to stop seeing Leo and start seeing Schmidt.
LOL I did too. I secretly wanted them together, but honestly didn't think the show was leading up to it, so I squealed like crazy and watched that scene over and over again. And I was 20. Sometimes I feel like I'll never stop being 12.
My mom struggled with the same thing when my parents got divorced. She really wanted to go back to her maiden name, but she kept her married name for the kids.
I lived in Schenectady for a year (near Albany/Saratoga). Not-tan is frowned upon there too. It's also not really good enough if your thighs touch and you don't style your hair perfectly and don't wear an inch of makeup. It's the only place I've ever lived where I got fewer lewd public stares than my husband did (I…
I'll be totally honest. I still have a really freaking hard time not shaving my legs or my pits. I want to be one of those people who challenges the expectations, and I mean...I don't wear makeup most days, and I don't care if my hair looks messy. Both a step up from where I was 5 years ago. But the idea of not…
Very true. We are Armenian, and everyone else in my family for the last several generations has been dark—black hair, super-dark eyes—and my uncle Toro has light brown hair and blue eyes. Otherwise looks just like the rest of us, and apparently there are ancestors a ways back in our family with blue eyes—in fact our…
Um...Erin...you have a dangling asterisk. I was led to believe there would be a further note regarding you fighting anyone who challenges the awesomeness of "Birthday." I was very disappointed.
They should have just asked some oldest children. We'd have just calmly explained this to them and kept them from HAVING to do a study. This is not news to us.
And you are not allowed to buy anyone "The Secret," ever, unless you feel like learning how oppressed peoples have somehow brought genocide upon themselves via bad vibes.
Um...HOW THE HELL did I not know that Donald Glover was also Childish Gambino?
OMG I know...I will never stop loving her (Veronica Mars 4ever yo) and they are just so freaking cute together. I squealed a little when I heard this news. I rarely let myself get so attached to celebrities, but I can't help it. Too cute.
Oregon's about the same.
NO WONDER I knew so many Jessicas and Ashleys with moms named Lisa. Holy shit.
Being raised in a super-misogynistic religious household, I learned from an early age how to cook, clean, sew, mend, shop, clip coupons, make meal plans, do small household repairs, etc. I felt pretty lucky to have all that shit under my belt when I grew up, even if I was a little resentful of the reasons for it.
Dude I remember in like 2009 having a conversation with some childhood friends of mine (it should be noted, they were from Idaho), and I made some joke about Palin being dumb, because by that point even my more conservative friends couldn't stand the woman. And one of them looked right into my eyes, straight-faced,…
Even "moulded onto her body" it doesn't look quite right to me. Like...it looks like it's lending zero support. If anything it looks heavy. Fuck that.
Well maybe it's because I was a free-spirited crazy hippie from Portland, but I stopped needing to wear makeup in front of the guys I dated WAY earlier than that. I'd usually wear makeup on the first date, to look my best and feel my best. But after that it was back to my usual regularity, which was like 60% of days…
Thank you!! It took me WAY too long to figure that out. I'd be interested in these guys, they'd do something assholish enough for me to give up on them, and then I'd dismiss them as all-around assholes and wonder why I fell for "bad boys."
LOL I loved your comment about Oregon. I'm from there, and I can tell you—the marionberry pie is to die for, and the self-congratulation is through the roof!