
I have a female friend who is barely 22. She is married, and she was married young, and she's just now starting to grow up—she's awesome in practice, with intelligence and responsibility and fun and sound logic. But there are still a few things that she lays claim to that are clearly attempts to be Cool Girl...I

This is so blatant to me, and yet so hard for so many people to understand. You said it exactly right, Jia, when you said that it's not that a victim looks like a victim, it's that a woman looks like a victim.

I'm exhausted. I've said it too many times. We all have. The issue is with the rapists, not the rape

Silicone baking pads. Briki. KitchenAid pasta roller attachment. (a girl's got to have her coffee, her pasta, and her oil-free baked goods).

I don't like your implication. I stand behind my words. My husband wears short shorts all the time, and he's got great legs, so I love it.

The Navy's are a little longer, but then my husband has short legs. I think they look shorter on some guys. Solid 4 inches longer than these ones though. Which is funny to us because we're not used to seeing it, but...why? Men used to wear short shorts all the time, why did that suddenly become not okay? They're

This brilliant. And super super brave. I'm not sure I could be so frank and open about it, I really admire that.

Yes. You can't help the desires you have. You can just help acting on them. I don't judge a non-offending pedophile any more than I judge a sexual dom or foot fetishist or non-offending bestiality fetishist. Which is to say, not at all. People who can't get help and are made to feel like they're pieces of shit

This made me actually cry. This is what it feels like when it hits you that you belong to a species that is capable of incredible evil.

I dislike that if I lose even a few more pounds I will drop below a size 2 and...what, cease to exist? Size 0 is bad enough, then 00 and 000 are like...what, you are beyond not existing? Why can't they just go by waist size and inseam length, like men's pants???

Don't even say such things!!

This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Personally I started my period early enough that I didn't know what the hell it was—never got to the all-my-friends-have-theirs point. But I can imagine. And I am SO throwing my kid a "First Moon Party" if I have a girl. That shit is hilario—I mean, those

Anyone else notice the boxer short tan line? Your bathing suit is supposed to MAKE your tan line, not be small enough to reveal it!


This is like those 12-step people who call you up to ask forgiveness for shit and you're like....ugh.

But it sure lines up with those numbers we keep hearing floating around about obesity in the US, doesn't it? This is kind of a slap in the face wake-up call, showing us what the "average" literally is. I took the same thing away from this article (I don't care much about the pageant stuff, frankly).

These are their stories. Dum-DUM!

:( Best wishes, Tracy!

HOLY shit. Did not know this.

My husband and I were traveling through Colorado earlier this year. I told him I'd never really been high—just a puff or two when I lived in Portland (it's a rite of passage there). He couldn't do it, even legally, because of his job but he insisted I try it while I had the chance. So we stopped in Pueblo and I

I'm pretty sure you're just doing whatever the fuck you want. Does everything a woman does have to be a feminist act?