
I definitely laughed aloud at work....just standing here all stoic at the hotel front desk, reading Jez...and then HA! Random guffaw.

Holy crap. This is so blatant and shocking, I'm a little surprised that people are defending the man at all. Especially with gems like the whole if-she's-sexual-she-must-want-all-sex-ever argument.

I thought so too!!! Makes me want to have a baby, damn it all. *sigh* NOT YET, HORMONES. LAY OFF!

Um...I'll take it. I'd have to polish up my Greek, Latin, and French skills, of course...and "singing" would have to count as one of the instruments...oh and also I'd have to start working out and develop a sudden interest in sports. But otherwise, I'm totally qualified.

Perhaps this is crass, but my reaction to this is well-summed up with these words: "Wow...what a dick."

I like to look at and cuddle with my husband after sex. Not race to the bathroom so I can see how "beautiful" I look with sex hair and covered in sweat.

Thank you, and yes it is. I grew up a right-wing Baptist, so masturbation was not only evil, it was also not even talked about so I didn't know what it was. I remember the word coming up once in class my junior year of high school and I had to ask my poor math teacher what it meant.

Honestly, my problem with high school was that there was too much focus on the grades, the tests, the numbers, and WAY too much pressure to go straight to a four-year university, especially for A students. I absolutely loved learning, and high school killed it. I'm just now getting the desire back, 3 years later. I

I, too, love the feel of a corset. I don't think it's all that uncommon, actually. I think the real issue surrounding corsets is the same as the issues surrounding bras, and shaving our legs, and so on...which is that it was a social requirement to keep up with these exhausting, painful and sometimes even dangerous

I agree that they should definitely have more diversity in size. But I disagree that they shouldn't be made in an x-small...because the point of Spanx isn't really to change your size, but to change the texture and keep everything from wobbling too much. And even small thighs can jiggle. :)

I knew a Native American kid in middle school with hair down to his knees. None of us knew what it was for...but at least nobody gave him a hard time about it, at least as far as I know. worked. He looks sweet to me. I think the dog's charm wore off on him!!! :)


I totally understand. I looked it up, and according to Wikipedia she campaigned for Barack Obama. That doesn't scream Republican Islamophobe to me. Hope that makes you feel better. :) You can keep liking Veronica Mars.

This totally makes me want to throw up. How the fuck are we not over this? These poor people! How would all those conservative fundamentalists like it if a group of people insulted them and their god and their ways in such a false, slanderous, hurtful way? And the people speaking??? These are public figures! How

She's so beautiful. I know that's completely unrelated to the topic of this post, but OMG.

Love them both equally, but differently! That's what I say when I can't choose...if you can't decide, it's probably because they're both ridiculously awesome. :)

I completely agree! This is beautiful! Hope for the future of music, and for the future of human hearts. This girl passionately sings about something I didn't understand till I was 20. Heck, I'm still learning. I'm glad someone is telling her, at 10, something besides "being gay is evil and against nature" like

@jenesequa: I get them. And god, I wish I could tell you what to do about them. Most painful fucking things EVER.

@RoughHouser: I laughed aloud too! My dad had this hole in his back from when he was hit by a bb gun as a kid, and it would get filled up with pus, and when my mom wasn't around I got to pop that sucker.