
I'm waiting to play 40k again until they update the Black Templars. I keep feeling pretty useless against all of the new units rules. Should have run Necrons when they were fresh but I loved the idea of the Black Templars.

First Big Picture Mode and now this!? Goddamnit Valve, how many times are you going to make me confess my undying love for you and for Steam!?

The only thing I'm disappointed about is that all of the monsters were done in CGI, no more people in costume. :( That really ticks me off. I'll still go see it though. But I don't understand why he went the all CGI route?

Purchased a Grandmaster Sub way back when it came out, and still don't regret the purchase. One of the best MMO's I've ever played. It definitely won't hold your hand and it will punish you if you're not careful. The classless system is also pretty amazing and being able to switch builds on the fly is just amazing.

It sucks that I didn't see this beforehand I would have gladly donated more than $28 for this project had I known it existed. Such a shame.

Mr. Pavarotti himself. The vocal control that this man had was legen-wait for it-dary! And the way he projects and vibratos is just fantastic.

I'm disappointed that the release date got pushed for the PC version of LEGO Lord of the Rings. Had that pre-ordered through GMG. :(

Try going to Vegas during Veterans Day weekend or close to it. $1 Miller High Life's over at this Irish Pub further down the strip past the Flamingo.

Honestly, I feel like there isn't enough there yet to justify a purchase. I'll wait for the bugs to be cleared and for the next Zelda game before I think about sinking money into it. I'll get the Zelda bundle when that happens. :)

How about those of us who ordered it for PC through GMG and had our keys delayed hmmm? Why is no one reporting on that!? :(

Anyone else tired of people getting butthurt on Ragnarok if you get the Mantis first and so they decide to spam Plasma Grenades and gunfire until you blow up so you barely even get it out of your base and towards the enemy? It's getting really annoying.

And all is right with the world once again. :)

You know, ever since Activision decided to turn the CoD franchise into a Madden release schedule, I've sworn off of purchasing CoD since the original Modern Warfare on PC (which I still play on occasion to this day). I've been in the camp of "it's the same game, with the same engine, with minor tweaks, every year".

It's not MS either.

Add me on Facebook! I've got a few neighbours but could use more! Cy Passley

Origin name is Samakar, add me up. I haven't played this in years, but back in the day me and my friends played this a ton!

This channel died when it made the change from TechTV to G4. Back in the TechTV days, you actually learned something on that channel. I loved coming home for The Screen Savers and Extended Play, also loved all of the other tech focused shows like the main news show that they had.

I feel that, after having dived into The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 now, I have a REALLY hard time going back to WoW. I tried a while ago with my free beta entry, ran around with my character, tried out the new content, and got extremely bored. My whole rotation was alien to me, questing wasn't as engaging anymore,

As long as it's the old school 90's Power Rangers, with the original Zordon. That would be amazing. My childhood would shout with glee. :D