Lol, I loved Jackie Brown too. That scene was great! XD "Man, I don't wanna ride in no dirty-ass trunk!"
Lol, I loved Jackie Brown too. That scene was great! XD "Man, I don't wanna ride in no dirty-ass trunk!"
Was just about to comment about that. Ugh, can't look at Angel statues the same way ever again.
Seeing this makes me sort of glad that I haven't picked up Borderlands 2 yet. As much as I REALLY want Borderlands 2, I just can't afford it right now, but more importantly, the bugs seem to be a big issue right now. When I pick it up next month, hopefully they'll have all of this ironed out.
Oh man, I started with an NES and this formula 1 racing game. Somethign with Jr. in the title, and Astayanax (who remembers that game?) And then moved directly to Sega Genesis when my grand parents got me one and from there it was Sonic and Gunstar Heroes all the way!
Holy shit, I thought the same thing! After they escaped I was like "wait, weren't there other people on the ship too? And it didn't even phase them!?" As my girl-friend likes to sing "there's a hole in the bottom of the plot, there's a hole in the bottom of the plot, there's a hole in the plot and I'll tell you what…
I love you. This just made my whole pain-filled morning bearable.
I'm with you on this. I feel like whatever extra missions they add to the game before the ending have no real impact on how the game will end. It still ends with "pick your favorie color". *sigh* I had really high hopes for this series.
Doctor Who RPG, make it happen goddamnit!
I'm glad there are rational thinkers on the right still. As a lefty, the Teapublican party scares the shit out of me.
Dragon Age 2, nuff said.
From what I understand they'll send you download codes, or allow you to send them CD-R's to burn copies onto them. I'm not too worried about it.
I still enjoy using the service and prefer to purchase my games through it with my Playpack subscription. Being able to get brand new games for $35 as opposed to $65 (with tax) is a much more enticing figure. My Playpack Subscription pays for itself ten fold.
Do it! It's the best MMO I've played in years!
I would but I'm planning on doing a Magic draft with some friends tonight. =/
Oregon is your best bet, they have no sales tax.
What about Elijah? That dude was a fucking bad ass in the Bible. Rained fire from the sky, brought down retribution. I mean, seriously, you could at least take him. :P
So was it actually filmed in Italy?
That was so damn amazing! Yea I teared up a bit. :) That's one hell of a lucky kid, and one awesome dad!