Just don't head down the 405 early in the morning. It's the most packed then.
Just don't head down the 405 early in the morning. It's the most packed then.
Haven't heard of Ni No Kuni, I'll look it up.
Have fun with the drive down to Anaheim. I hate that drive, have to make it once a week for rehearsals from the valley. Ugh!
Hey everyone, I know kickstarter is the big thing these days, and some of you may be getting tired of seeing these. But it has become my new...addiction so to speak. I'm a huge board game and card game fanatic, love these games to death. There's a new one that is just so damn brilliant I felt the need to back it at…
Spidey is the greatest super-hero ever. Completely in agreement here. AC is great though, although spread a little thin with the problem of too many villains and not even development, but, regardless of that, it still felt great.
Wait until the ending, your heart will be shattered. Trust me.
Though I like me some metal every once in a while. Today I've been on a Bob Seger kick. Maybe it's the combo of menthol cigarettes and blasting Night Moves in my car brings me back to the days of driving to the coast with my dad, or giving him a big hug and getting that smell of cigarettes. Its been a little over 3…
PC basically.
Thyey are kind of already doing such things with these online passes, I usually rent from redbox, and then if I like a game, I'll hold onto it and just get charged for it much later. The problem is, if the game has mp (like UC3) even though I paid roughly full price from the game over time, I'm still locked out of a…
Pre-ordered. So stoked for this! :D
Hey Christian, I've been kind of on the fence about backing, but, really, the one thing that held me back, in honesty, from hitting "Pledge" was the lack of physical rewards. I'm not a game designer or modder, and adding new guns and content and having access to that didn't really speak to me. Things that I like from…
This x1000
Don't forget, Dragon Plate is not metal armor, so you can have a Druid walking around in full Dragon Plate, that also shapeshifts into a fucking metallic dragon, with a major animal companion while still being able to call down lightning strikes and pull vines up from the ground at high levels. It's pretty crazy.
Hey hey, take it easy. In 3.5, Druids could wipe the floor with an entire party of adventurers at medium to high levels. Trust me, I've watched it happen, it's scary. X_X
I could see that actually. You survive the blast, end up destroying the reapers, and then have to fly to Omega to take care of The Illusive Man because he escaped from the space station to there for your final confrontation with him.
Awesome! As a pro guitar player Bastion had me hooked by the balls the whole way through the game (I love guitar :) ) so it's nice that someone has taken the work out of transposing all of this into sheet music form for me. Now if I could just get around these weird drop tuning fingerings for the chords I can pull…
Man that FE 3DS is down right gorgeous! But I'm pretty happy with my black 3DS. I picked one up when Gamestop was having that $150 sale on them, and I have a serious love affair with this thing. I never had a DS, so I've been able to hit the back catalogue of DS games as well as 3DS games, loving 3D Land, MK7 and OoT…
Was hoping to finally get a chance to play through it properly. My PC can't run it nicely, once shit is on the screen (shootingwise) the framerate eats shit. :P Thanks alot Nintendo, I love my 3DS, but seriously.
Everytime I see a pineapple, I always think of Psych. :P
Either they just spent a ton of money on studio time, or they're all incredibly lucky that one of them had an awesome studio to record in. Yea, I'm super jelly. :(