I never said my taste was "better" I was just merely stating that I myself prefer an old school RPG experience. Something I grew used to over the years.
I never said my taste was "better" I was just merely stating that I myself prefer an old school RPG experience. Something I grew used to over the years.
Seriously, no one mentioned Egoraptors video about Castlevania?
Hahaha, Guitar is a weird creature to wrangle, you'll get used to it, at least you have the timing from the drums. Definitely get into the world of music theory, I'm sure there's many free resources. Just keep in mind, it's all formulas. It's as simple as 2+2=4. Once you understand the basic concept the rest is like…
Aha, those are called same note bends, so, when you bend the string you're matching a note on a string above it. So it sounds like you'll bend the B string up while holding down a note on the e-string, move along your high e string and find out what note they're bending up to each time, then go up 3 frets on the…
Awesome, my e-mail is cypassley@gmail.com, let me know. :)
Not really designed for bass. As for a kit, have you tried electric? Roland makes some sweet electric kits. A drummer for the artist I play for uses an electric kit for rehearsals and it sounds pretty good. Nothing beats the sound of a good ol' fashioned snare ringing or the feel of a real kick drum booming into your…
Oh, it definitely has challenges and lessons for bends and slides! They have challenge modes and guitarcade games for almost everything. Also, the game is designed specifically for people like YOU, people who are complete beginners or have a little knowledge. Rocksmith is definitely worth the investment.
Keep it up! Make sure to stretch properly everyday so you don't mess yourself up, and keep the ol' back straight! Guitar has a funny way of gradually destroying your back over the years. :)
Yes, if you've ever wanted to get started on your own, Rocksmith is a fantastic place to start! Ofcourse, if you really love the guitar (who doesn't? Guitar is the best instrument ever. :3) don't forget us private instructors! We need to eat! XD
It's ok! Throw sub-dominants and flat 5 substitutions at it to confuse it! Sorry, that's a total musician joke that I'm pretty sure 95% of the people on here won't get. I'm sorry, I'll leave now *bows head and exits*
As a professional guitar player and professional guitar teacher, Rocksmith is the superior game. Although I get most of the stuff that happens in the game and I can breeze through a majority of it, it is FANTASTICALLY made! Seriously, the mini-games and challenges, the guitarcade, the way that they introduce songs,…
Guess I just prefer an old school RPG experience. Call me a grognard, but I love things like that.
I don't understand how hard it is to understand. Your max health is increased by 12% and you gain health regeneration at 5 points per second (so if you take damage you'll get back 5 hp every second)
It's not just the fact that they're doing day one DLC that's only available to CE purchasers, it's doing day one DLC that involves one of the largest plot characters in the game. Spoilers in the video, but seriously, no, boycotting ME3 now. Cancelled my pre-order.
Oh...my...god, it's a real life spambot! Holy shit! I haven't seen you guys on here before! Do you people eat? Sleep? Have souls? Who am I kidding, ofcourse not!
Thats been happening a lot lately. =/ Nice job! Glad to see that you're sticking to fingers for your picking. A few of my producer friends and engineers disagree with me (they're punk guys) but seriously, picks just don't have that same feel that a good pair of fingers can give. Is that a P-Bass? Lets see, ahh, here…
Awesome! You should check out his Trio album. After he got famous, he decided to make a Blues Trio with Pino Palladino and Steve Jordan and it kicks ass! I'd suggest Who Did You Think I Was, that song rocks, one of my personal favorites to cover with the bands that I play with from that album. Also, his Continuum…
We're doing Bluesy Pop Rock. Think Incubus meets Amy Winehouse and Hendrix. Big poppy chorus', interesting verses, kick ass guitar solos. Basically my dream band. :)
That's awesome! What style of music do you guys play?
So yea, just feeling like putting this out there seeing as I'm feeling pretty damn good tonight. So my new band Scarlet Noir is finally getting our shit together in the next few weeks after struggling with our singers tough schedule and trying to find people who want to put together something that we can all share (no…