It's alright, caught me replying while I was in teaching mode (I teach part time for Guitar Center for extra money). Always nice to introduce people to new artists that they haven't listened to. :)
It's alright, caught me replying while I was in teaching mode (I teach part time for Guitar Center for extra money). Always nice to introduce people to new artists that they haven't listened to. :)
Why thank you! :) Yes, The Beatles were the ultimate group in reality. There was Beatles mania for a reason, they were fucking genius'! Another genius in the music industry: John Mayer, he has so much hidden gems within his music it's ridiculous. To the trained ear, the guy is a frackin' masterful artist that paints…
As a professional musician, songwriter and avid gamer for most of my life I had to click on this article and give it a good read. I completely agree, especially as a songwriter, there's just no way that lyrics can exist without having the song structure below it. I know people who come to me and all they have is…
They've tried it three times now. I order the box, and then they hand me a bag. I go "where's my box!?" and they go "oh you want the box?" YEA DUMBASS, I WANT MY GODDAMN CODE!
Sorry to hear. :( There's no way in hell mine could ever run Skyrim.
Holy fuck I loved this game! So damn hard too! >.<
Just got home from my first day at NAMM covering it for Guitar Player Magazine. :) Never thought I'd get the gig! :D Here's the twitter where I posted a bunch of pics under GP NAMM GUERILLA [] and I'm about to reupload a bunch of pics and get them on the Facebook page.
Heh, ahh, it's funny. All metal guitar players have these really weird sounding vibratos. I've noticed it since I went to Musician's Institute. And all of my metal head guitar students have them too. It's a very strange vibrato. I've been working them to get more natural, vocal sounding vibratos with less of an…
Definitely The Killing Joke, one of my personal favorites.
Heisenberg! *shakes fist*
Learn something new everyday! :D
It's a different link most of the time, only through the few sequels is it the same link. Such as during kid OoT and Majora's Mask are direct sequels. And then the Wind Walker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks link. New Link for Twilight Princess, and then ofcourse for the defeat timeline that starts with A Link To…
This is so awesome! Damn jealous! Greatest Christmas ever!
Ahh, the joy that I experienced when I received my Nintendo 64. Those were magical days, kids just don't understand. This shit was revolutionary back then! I remember booting up Mario 64 for the first time that morning and spending 30 minutes on the title screen messing with Mario's face. XD
You know, I tried rolling a Sith Inquisitor the other day, got bored within the first few quests. It felt so detached. I had originally started a Jedi Knight and I've been loving the storyline so far. Also rolled a Smuggler and they're quite fun! But for some reason that starting area for the Sith Inquisitor/Warriors…
Already got the money for Christmas/Birthday early and it ended up going towards The Old Republic and an epic All You Can Eat sushi lunch with some friends earlier this week. Christmas this year is the smallest, and it's mostly because me and the family are struggling pretty hard, my mom is moving down to LA to be…
Was incredibly interested until...ipad game....damn!
Not dealing with any wait times myself. Got lucky and got in on Friday so I rolled on one of the fresh servers. :)
It's software that allows you to stream games instantly to your PC, it's free to use, still have to buy the games though. Also, if you sign up with their play pass subscription, it's $10 a month for unlimited access to their massive catalogue of playpack games (about 100 I'd say, Batman Arkham Asylum is in there) AND…
Dude, your controller scared the shit out of me for a second there!