
Try OnLive. Great for PC's who can't handle most of the high end games! I love it!

Keep in mind, if you buy from Best Buy, when you do a trade in they give you even more credit. Best Buy gave me back $10 for FFXIII. Gamestop was only going to give me $7. It's enough of an incentive for me to shop there now primarily for my games.

I don't think any game now with the name Neverwinter will ever be able to recapture the magic that was the online experience of Neverwinter Nights for me. Seriously, the best 5 years of my life were spent in that game.

So damn awesome!!!! :D

That was so damn amazing! :D

Yep, this just started happening today around the 30 hour mark. Framerate started dropping for everything, it has been getting really annoying. Hope they patch it soon. :(

The Narwhal bacons at midnight!

I focus tested this's really bad....

Oh man, I LOVE Shadows Over Camelot! I don't think we've actually ever won, except for once when there was a traitor. And we've only figured out who was the traitor at the very end of the game lol. That's a great game, our biggest shouting matches and arguments happen over that game, and then we all laugh about it at

A better boardgame: Pandemic.

What? I can't be a Mage or a Wraith? Poo. :( I don't want to be mixed up the damn Vampires and Werewolves. Now, if I could be an Order of Hermes Mage, well, consider me sold! :3

When I saw Dominion I thought they were doing a video game version of the amazing card game. Guess not. :(

ZOMG!! When my grandparents bought me my first Sega Genesis, this was the first game that I got with it! This game brings back SOOOOOO many fond memories! The one level that I couldn't get past was the aircraft carrier. That level was a bitch in a half to beat! >.< Kick ass sound track though. Especially for the

First one for me was Astayanax on the NES.My parents originally bought the NES for themselves with Astayanax, Super Mario and some F-1 racing game. Loved all three of those games. But Astayanax sticks with me because I remember my mom couldn't get past the first boss, and then I figured out how by figuring out the

Awesome! I moved far away from Hollywood, can't stand the parking/signs/shit tons of people in the summer. The valley is where it's at now.

Too bad I'm already going to a taping for Kevin Smiths new show tonight. Ahh well, another time later on next week.

"No, but seriously, it's just not as smooth as a we-"

Already went to Vegas last month, don't really feel like going back again so soon. My feet aren't ready.