Ugh, this color is...ugh...
Ugh, this color is...ugh...
Argh, I hate street cleaners! So many wasted parking tickets because of these asswipes. X_X
*Sigh* gotta upgrade my CPU this year before BF3, more extra costs =/
Ok, not being scared since 2005? I'm sorry, but I think you need to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. If you don't think that games scary you've got balls of titanium sir.
That's a great deal for Two Worlds Epic Edition! As someone who hated the demo and thought the game was crap, I picked it up myself on an online sale and was heavily surprised by how awesome the game is! I highly recommend throwing down for it now while it's on sale!
Dude, what are you talking about? Jimmy Fallon's a genius I love the guy! I'm right here with you! His impressions of Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young are awesome! And come on, he has the fucking ROOTS as his late night band! I mean that is just awesome!
InFamous 2 is fantastic so far, just got to the second area and am loving the game and the rise in difficulty. Also, the new powers kick ass! Game developers should take a note out of InFamous 2, very few sequels are actually better than their original counter-parts and InFamous 2 definitely delivers with some pretty…
You know, I think there was a South Park episode made just for you...what was it? Oh yea!
Looks awesome, hope it's a launch title! I'm very interested in getting a PSV this year for Christmas/Birthday, but it has to have a nice set of launch titles available when it comes out. I'm hoping this and Uncharted will be among them. :) Maybe even that Bioshock title they were talking about.
AHAHAHAHA! OMG! I coulnd't sit through the whole thing last year, I'm almost tempted to finish it right now.
It only got really bad when they pretty much focused %70 of the entire conference on girls games and a bunch of casual games that I had no interest in. It was those gleaming moments of games like TOR thathelped me survive.
My god, you are right, that drums demonstration was horrifying. The musician in me was cringing the entire time, and for some reason I don't remember that one!
You can normally find them on Gamespot, IGN or Gametrailers. That's where I've had to check every once in a while.
Looks pretty meh for alpha footage.
Huh? What? XIII-2? Why the hell'd you wake me up for this crap!? Wake me when Versus XIII comes out *goes back to sleep*
Just work on your barre chords and work on arpeggiating your chords and you're fine! :) You can also sorta do it with open chords, but if you use barre chords for the majority of what you play you'll get a truer sound to the song.
The internet only works for so long, eventually you need to go for private lessons. If you can get a good teacher then you'll learn proper warm ups and stretches, proper hand positioning and posture ( so you don't fuck yourself up while playing and practicing) and why the scales and chords work like they do.
Sorry, I need to be the stingy guitar player and basically point out that he's actually playing the minor pentatonic scale with the flat 5 (or the Blue note) with occasionally throwing in a major 3rd to turn it into mixolydian. Ahem. Sorry about that.
I guess a bit of both lol, I'm pretty busy throughout the day so I sometimes just pop in when I think of a funny comment and throw it down then run with the wind! XD
Cool! Thanks for clarifying! I got in too, I guess, but didn't see anything happen lol.