
And Redbox is even cheaper! :P

Music radio and morning talk show intro's maybe?

I got mine for a Speak Up article. :D Mike Fahey rulez, <3

1.) Once you get past high school, all of that shit you thought was important isn't so important anymore. Trust me, it's nothing huge, unless you're planning on deflowering a girl, you're not missing much other than watching true social separation at work.

Do want Creationary and Wireless Keyboard pants!

I'll just refer you to my response later on here in the thread.

Actually I did. I was one of the people who ended up getting blocked out by Netflix. It was working great until after one of my rehearsals I came home and it asked me to re-enter my login info, and then after that I'd constantly get a white box that says "Unable to connect to Playstation Network, please try again

OMG!!!! Netflix is BACK on my PS3!!! *dances* oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthanky... *cries*

Naw, I have NO idea how a harp works! :P I'm guessing that each colored string indicates a basic note. Kind of how you can know which notes you're playing on the fret board of a guitar by knowing what tuning your strings are and which fret dot that you are on or near.

Doesn't work like that. Because it is a live performance of a cover of her own version of the song, it is within her rights as a derivitave work to make some form of money from the performance. Also, as she is not charging people to view the video, but to make donations towards her cause, there isn't much that they

I can stream to my laptop, but like you said, not the same. :( I bought an adapter from Best Buy a while back for my tv, but for some reason it doesn't fit with my VGA cable, even with the added attachment that I use for my PC. It suxxorz. :(

Already tried that, what happens is that I go to stream something, and then it asks me tos ign in and when it can't it gives me a box that says, "can't connect to Playstation Network, please try again later" and then exits out.

Ok, now I'm pissed, even though the PSN has been down I've been able to stream Netflix. Now it won't work at all!!! Fuck you Netflix! GAH!!! :( I want to watch some more Arrested Development damnit!

Oh no, trust me, I don't doubt that at all. I just remembered getting an e-mail about that. But yea, my bad on them telling us to cancel our credit cards. It was quite a while ago and I've been doing a ton of shit in between, hah, my brain is mush these days.

Well, nothing for me to worry about as far as CC goes, the one that was on my account was lost just before PSN went down and I had already canceled it.

Actually they did send me an e-mail to me saying to cancel my current cards, check in with a credit beureu to put your credit on alert, blah blah blah. Didn't ask for any information or anything like that, pretty legit.

Figures, bunch of dumb college jocks. Gah! Watching that was painful!

And the cast is fantastic! They have GREAT chemistry and do their roles so well! I haven't read the books, yet, but I will soon! Going to Borders today to pick up the first one. :3