Agree with you completely! I actually mention the same thing in my review, how the Action genre has ruined the feel of "true" horror games. Check out my Amnesia review!
Agree with you completely! I actually mention the same thing in my review, how the Action genre has ruined the feel of "true" horror games. Check out my Amnesia review!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my review for Amnesia: The Dark Descent is now officially up over at Nightmare Mode! Check it out!
Yea, Supersize Me is Schlock, have you seen Fat Head yet? Completely disproves everything that Supersize Me talks about and is a much more in-depth look into the food industry itself and the lies that the government and food industry themselves have told us.
Yea, got my pre-order in, can't wait to get it too! Gonna be doing a game diary for it on the site I'm writing for now,, should be fun!
It should work now.
Oh! Hah, I thought you meant docs or wave, I'll add myself on Wave right now. Two secs.
Ok, so both the wordpress and docs are tied to the e-mail:
Well I'll be honest with you, I could probably pull a review once a month. I'm also a working musician, but I do put in my time gaming a bunch. My main interests are also in those areas as well as Platformer, Action and Adventure games.
Definitely know where you're coming from. Quality and depth of an article is the most important. Well I definitely enjoy writing reviews. And hopefully one of the Blockbusters up my street will still be around so I can grab a new release title haha. But I'd love to offer my services as a review writer. :)
Oh! Me me me! What sort of writing are you looking for? Reviews? News?
That's what I've been noticing for some people. :( Sucks, I wanted to redownload the MK demo! D=
Yep, me too, I can't sign in. D=
Hah, nice video Lisa. Welcome to LA! It's very true, moved here three years ago and really just can't find a reason to leave. My whole career is here and after a while you just sort of fall in love with the place, and the fact that everything is here and readily available. Oh yea, and In-N-Out of course. Double Double…
Gotta say, I'm really enjoying the show. Great cast and more importantly, great cast chemistry. Trying to pick up the books now, really want to read them!
I made a real life lol.
Awesome, works for me! I also just discovered that the man who built this PC for me 5 years back lied to me about the amount of RAM that was in it. So it looks like I need to upgrade that too. =/ It only has a gig, bleh.
It's a Thermaltake Tr2 430w
It's a Thermaltake TR2 430watt power supply
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up, my Best Buy is pretty good about returns so I might give it a shot, what's the wattage that you think I should have? I think I've got a 480 PSU in there right now, I had to replace my old one because the back fan went out and then it ate itself pretty much. if I have the wattage I can run these cards on a PCIe 1.6 board? (or whatever the fuck it is)