
Don't these cards us PCIe 2.1? I don't think my mobo supports it, it's an old mobo

Flier didn't post, let's try this again

Glass of Crown Royal, no ice, a thick cigar, and a night out on the back porch with my acoustic guitar with my songwriting friends singing country-blues and having a fun jam session, watching the stars and listening to the sounds of the city. Ahhhhhhhhh, life is good sometimes. Breaks from having to worry about what's

I'm still using a Geforce 7900GS, for me to even upgrade to one of these cards I'd still need to replace my damn mobo, RAM and all of that.

Yea, there's definitely some exploration elements to it. Hidden areas and what not, but it's still pretty linear. But enjoyable, especially for $10. There was mp, not sure if the servers are up still, haven't tried hehe.

It's a great game! A really good thinking mans game! Been having fun cross checking evidence and codes, clues and what not. Story is slowly unwraveling.

It's a great game! It has some weird parts of it, but I really enjoy it, especially for the price! Combat feels visceral, and the exploration is great fun!

And electric couldn't harm Rock! :)

Well, I can definitely understand the hate. This isn't really the sort of game that you spend $45 on, sure it's a fun little distraction, but for only....roughly 10 hours worth of play time of FRESH content, it doesn't really seem to have a lot of replay value.

Ahh, shame, San Jose, CA, oh well.

So, besides working my ass off for two bands. one of which has management and I still seem to be a driving force in making things work, and the other that I actually do manage as well write, perform and do business negotiations with, I've been working between playing two different games the past couple of days.

The Heroes of Might and Magic series I hear are really great RPG/Strategy games similar to those.

I picked up a 36" Dynex LCD flatscreen last year from BEst Buy for like $300, super cheap and it's a great tv, I also upgraded from my old massive tube tv that nearly broke my backe very time I had to move lol.

There's so many great RPG's out there.

They aren't using the Gamebryo engine anymore, they actually built a new one for this, so be excited! :D:D:D:D:D

You're telling me! I even start freaking out when little shit happens IRL, like swinging bags, howling wind, fucking creaks in wood and shit. X_X

Got a bunch of games on deals this past week, Magicka, Amnesia, Super Meat Boy, and then I also got Dungeon Siege 1 in the mail from my ebay purchase ($6! :D), Lucas Arts Pack (never got a chance to actually play all of them except for Fate of Atlantis and as a kid I never was smart enough to figure out some of the

Awesome! This is perfect because now some of the old stuff is going to be much cheaper for me! Hopefully my Bruce Springsteen Tribute band will finally get their shit together so we cans tart making some good money. ($4k a month baby for one gig a week! :) )

He's flying and electric, so he basically is immune to ground type attacks until you use smackdown on him and he's unaffected by electric, then also, he does normal damage with lightning type attacks to rock types (this is new for me, I remember lighning being ineffective against Rock back in Red) so basically, unless

EPIC! I just had a nerdgasm all over the place to that video! Thanks for that! :D