
Lol, where have you been?

Between Dos Equis and Miller High Life. I also love Mickey's. Best part about High Life is that a 40 is only 1.89 at 7/11! Gets you drunk and it's cheap! :D

Sawk is one of my powerhouses in my team too! I just toss on max repels now unless I need to power level a poke'mon. Like my Axew for the 8th gym. X_X

Yea, it's the Intel chip. =/ They have really shitty hardware specs for the game. Only a few types of systems can really run it. :(

Are you using an intel graphics chip? I kno that doesn't work. I also know that my copy of the game from Steam has a constant choppy frame rate where it'll run, pause, run, pause, run, pause every 1 and a half seconds.

Hey, Magicka isn't $5 anymore, it's $9.95 still.... :(

The thing is, I totally forgot about it after I installed Windows 7. XD It wasn't even something I was thinking of.

Now playing

A great quote from reddit that ended up on my Facebook newsfeed:

I did a lot of that, but it didn't work. Then, I called MS support because I still have tech support till May, and apparently UAC was preventing it from playing because older games don't know how to handle it. So I finally turn it off and voila it worked!

Well you know, I WANTED to play Dungeon Siege 1 this weekend. And then Windows 7 had to go and make my life hell and fuck me over.

Just the official one, maybe the beta driver is the one I need to get.

What other drivers are available? I got the most recent updated drivers from Nvidia? Are there new beta drivers for Amnesia?

Actually, funny you mentioned that. The first problem was actually my graphics drivers being out of date, before I updated them, the game wouldn't even load, it would crash at start up.

Man I want to play this game so baddly, but it can't run on my gaming PC. It can run every other fucking game, but for some reason, even on the lowest graphics settings and the lowest screen resolution it's choppy, and not just like "choppy every once in a while", like, "it's choppy ever two seconds". I actually get

Sweet! Thanks for letting me know! Now I can finally play Torchlight and see what all of the hype is about! :D

Wait, hold on, so it'll either hatch into a Pan-pokemon, an Axew or some kind of bird type? But...I can already catch all of those....

You know I'm not sure. I haven't been online with NWN in AGES. I'm sure there are a few RP servers still floating around. I know some of the bigger FR based ones are still alive and kicking. I've taken part in some pretty damn amazing stories though through some of the custom RP servers I played on with some GREAT

Fuck that's hard, especially because of how often it changes. Well, in no particular order here:

If you've got it on PC there's mods that'll extend the level cap into infinity! Or you can just use console codes. :3

So a friend of mine gifted me Amnesia: The Dark Descent last night. Tried loading it up and immediately had crashing issues, then I updated my drivers and it starts, but even on the lowest frame rate and graphics settings the game is choppy as hell! :( This surprises me because I can run most modern games on medium or