
I HATED my Temp job too. I wanted to quit, but I needed the money. Fortunately, they fired me. And right when that happened I got a high profile cover gig, a reality show that wants to use me, and just yesterday got a call from Guitar Center Studios to interview tomorrow for a teaching job there for Guitar. So glad I

A lot of Bruce Springsteen for this cover band I'm in.

FUCK! I need $300 right now! I need to get a 3DS in June! :(

You're tellin' me! I got a massive backlog backing up! But I've got songs to learn for this Bruce Springsteen Tribute band I'm doing with a celebrity trainer, who is also personally training me at his boxing gym for a reality tv show. Then I've gotta finish writing an album with my new project Scarlette Noir with this

I did. :)

Boo, my new debit card isn't in yet! :( I'm still adoring all of the games I've gotten from the past two and am looking forward to these as well!


I know! Couldn't believe it! :(

Decent weather today huh Michael? I enjoyed it, sunny but not too hot. Felt great to leave the gym in a comfortable temperature.

Haha, no, but I photo some charts if you're looking for something specific?

I live right up the street! May have to check that out! Will give me a chance to put up a few fliers for my Guitar Lessons too. Definitely need some students again.

That question is what got me my star from mr. Fahey for a speak up! It is frustrating to put so much extra money into having the divide between friends. Mostly for me it's wanting to play versions of games on both Mac and PC or doing a PC/PS3 or PC/X360 version for certain games. Some days I just want to laze in bed

So, as predicted, my weekend has unfortunately had no time for games. =/ But!

Started filming this new reality Boxing/Weight Loss show today. Gonna be in it with this celebrity New York boxing trainer that I'm in a Bruce Springsteen Tribute Band with. Gonna be fun, we start training tomorrow and doing some minor filming and what not. Show is gonna be focused around his gym and the band that

Gonna really try and finish some of my backlog this weekend. Although I find myself just swinging around NYC in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows seeing as that's way more entertaining then ACTUALLY playing the game hah. I haven't really made it that far in the game.

Gah, I hate this new format! :( Try again!

Very well done video. I'll definitely hook up a sub to your channel.

You sir have won the internet, congratulations.

Now playing

And here's another for some of the explanation on character creation and what not. Again, I am so stoked for this fucking game! Definitely gonna be going Templars! ^_^