There is a trailer with some awesome gameplay footage here. Enjoy!
There is a trailer with some awesome gameplay footage here. Enjoy!
I only ever played Harvest Moon 64 and it's still one of my all time favorite games and one that I go back to every once in a while. I've got a 15 year old farm on there. Full family, plenty of crops and animals, I put a ton of hours into that game and it's still a fantastic game!
Yea, I couldn't believe it when I heard it myself this morning! And then I turn on the news this morning and not one of the damn channels was talking about it! Not even KTLA! Ugh. I'm praying for my friends and their families that are still there in Japan now that are dealing with this. :(
Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog, Californication, 24, Prison Break, Firefly. Tons of good shows are in my instant qeue right now that I'm trying to get through now.
Holy fuck....that trailer just....it just turned my whole gaming world upside down...
You truly are horrible! I have three Springsteen covers I need to learn before Noon! Damn you sir! :(
After I picked up my PS3 about a year and a half ago I'm in the exact same boat as you! I have no idea why I even use my Xbox 360 except for Mass Effect, that's about it, and Oblivion.
I used to get Vans all of the time, dunno why, I thought they were comfortable but they really just didn't last.
Ahh, the wonders of the internet never cease to amaze me! LOL, great laugh, thank you good sir! If I could promote this I would!
One other new thread to talk about. The Secret World.
Well, I was never keeping up with the progress on the SOCOM 4 beta, so I had no idea what I was supposed to expect. I also haven't played a SOCOM game in many years. So yea, it was a new experience in a way for me. Plus, that update patch to foreeeeeverrrrrrr! X_X
Bleh, tried playing SOCOM 4 last night and just didn't have fun at all. The camera feels really awkward, aiming speed feels off. Doesn't help that I pretty much got thrashed every round I played either hah.
Downloading the Socom 4 beta, add me up if anyone wants to run some games later on tonight.
That's the music industry in general. I've been turned down for auditions that I would have been perfect for, but I didn't have the image and look that they wanted. So even though I could smoke all of the other guitar players in a heart beat and played well, they didn't want to use me because of my image. It's a very…
You'll be seeing me outside of the Northridge Best Buy on Black Friday, that's for damn sure, waiting for my 3DS and games. I'm in the same boat. I actually was in Target the other day literally pushing around my bill money, considering buying it. But then I started scanning the actual 3D games and went, "you know, I…
Jasper sounds like a great young cat! He's a Russian Short Hair right? Great cats!
I'm game. I also have a pet named Sasha and this is her. She's gonna be 11ish this year. Amazing cat, she is a complete lover and cuddlebug. If I leave for 5 minutes and come back she's waiting for me at the door, greeting me with plenty of meows and purring. She sleeps with me all of the time and we always seem to be…
Buying this. Being both a huge comics fan and a huge Spidey fan, I'm down for this! Especially with Peter David writing!
It's frakkin amazing, here's a picture of the finished product. Hard to see but there's plenty of little specks in pepper in there and they really make the dish, along with the bacon. If you get the uncured bacon it's the best because the bacon doesn't overpower the pepper and cheese and so they all work together in…