
Ok, I had my doubts but now I HAVE to go see this movie this year!

Ok, take some back cut bacon, or regular bacon, chop it up and put that in a pan with olive oil, cook it until it just starts to look cooked, then cover it in pepper and turn down the heat to the lowest setting and let it simmer in the pan. While doing this, boil your noodles, I suggest adding salt and olive oil to


Completely and un-equivocally

Well if you're posts are vanishing into Oblivion then we must find a Gate and destroy whatever's inside to recover it!!! *Pulls out sowrd* CHARRRRGGGEE!

First achievement:

AHHH!! Why don't I have moneyyyyy!? Amnesia is only $10!!! :(

I'm not allowed to talk about it. :P

Can't you leave that picture in /b/ where it belongs?

You must find this right now!!! D=

I've had lots of those weeks. Best part about them is that it makes your breaking point stronger and makes you last longer.

Yea, well, I mean, it was one that was used before. That's what I meant to say. Shut up! I'm doped up on meds right now! XD

When I was 12 or 13 my parents took me to a German torture museum while we were visiting Germany, it was pretty cool! Got to check out a real Iron Maiden, torture racks, places where they'd put people, rub salt on their feet and have the goats eat their feet. It depends on the kid, some are mature enough to take it,

No, it's not like that, I've seen it, it's just. If you're gonna make a Johnny Cage video, why not put all of the best stuff in there?

Was hoping to see his fatality, oh well. =/

Dealing with carpal tunnel, so trying to take it easy on gaming seeing a sI have two different rehearsals this weekend. But definitely thinking of sinking some more time into Demon's Souls.

LOL!!! Deadpool is so fucking awesome!!! XD

I agree on most points, although I thought that Ultimate Spider-Man got pretty damn close to the feel of Spider-Man 2. I enjoyed the fast paced combat of USM and the random city encounters.

LOL, yep, that's exactly how Spidey would handle that. LOL That's what I always liked about Spidey, sure he was super strong, and had all of these awesome spider powers. But he was scared shitless, and what was the one thing that helped him keep his cool? A witty mouth, I LOVE his wise-cracks, makes the character imo.

The Noir sections were awesome! And they were voiced by the same guy who did the voice for Spidey on the old Animated Series from the 90's that I grew up on!