I know right!? Holy fuck it's not even remotely FAIR how good this guy is! Check out this other video!
I know right!? Holy fuck it's not even remotely FAIR how good this guy is! Check out this other video!
So I just got an e-mail from EA for the Battlefield: Play4Free preview. I guess they're opening the main servers to the public on April 4th. Anyone else playing?
Probably got new job applications flying through the door lol.
I love stuff like that! Try putting chicken leg quarters in a casserole dish with some Creamy Mushroom soup out of the can and then bake that shit! Same concept, but it's what I grew up on, pour that over some white rice and throw some salt on there and you've got some good eaten's for the evening!
I'm totally an eater, which is why I'm morbidly obese, but now I'm losing weight! I started 3 weeks ago at 296.7 and after a small hiccup of gaining 2 lbs I'm now down to 291.8 as of tonights weigh in at the center!! I've lost 4.8lbs so far in about two weeks! Weight Watchers is fucking AWESOME! I get to eat whatever…
OH! That section! Now I remember, yea, that was kind of cool. XD I thought you meant one of those big combat mechs that you had to fight in the fight for Object Rho.
It might also put a little bit more of the faith I've lost in Bioware back into me. I swear, something about the quality of their content starting wane is really starting to show and most of the stuff that they do more recently is just laaaaazzyyy.
Just put #speakup in your comment and it'll go to Speak Up. Then the glorious Fahey himself will pick one to feature and may just give you a star like he did for me! :D
Definitely not on par with Shadowbroker at all. And the plot twist was so obvious I'm pretty sure even ex-President Bush could have probably spotted it. (yes, I did just drag that old horse carcass out of the barn)
Wait, you can control a mech!? Where!?
Maybe the game can have a double intro!? That would be kind of cool. :) One intro if you bought some DLC or whatever, and another if you didn't. I think that'd be cool. :D
You need to add a #speakup tag to this post sir. :)
Well that launch of Free Realms last night on PS3 was a frakkin sham. Had so many problems and now I'm permanently stuck with a character I didn't want.
Hah, so funny. You were the first person I thought of the minute that I saw this article! XD
Oh yea, and you can't level up jobs past level 4. :(
Yea, sometimes in the studio, or hanging around the songwriters circles, we just use melodine in place of auto-tune, we all know what it means and that's the industry standard these days. It's the sound. It can be great for fixing some small mistakes, as I've heard some seriously great uses of it. But in other cases…
Yea, but now I'm stuck with some stock human character with a random name, with no way to delete the character and make a new one. But, I am playing the game now, so I guess there's that...=/ really shitty way to run a free game, at least let us delete our mains to make new ones.
Things that I can never unsee thanks to the internet. You sir, have added to my list.....*shudders*