

Are we in it? Or have we been without it?

No, it's not just you, I also had some problems with the leveling system in that game. I'm still super fucking confused by it. I think I barely made it through the first 3 hours of the game before I went "Yea, hey, what's on the tv?" and switched over to cable ahahaha.

Pick whatever and go! I've had a lot on my mind, but only just now have I had time to post everything lol.

Now playing

The videos are getting pulled off of YouTube as we speak, but, seriously, if you don't already know: Casey Heynes is a fucking hero among men!


Ahh good old Onion, ye never fail to make me smile.

Had someone give me some great advice this morning on building a new PC! So, because I am of the slightly impatient type, I'm going to start with just upgrading the processor, motherboard, RAM and card in my current rig, besides the fact I need a new fucking power supply which has caused this whole thing.

Wow thanks for the awesome advice! :D

Hey everyone,

I'm hearing that they're implementing iPads over at MI, Musician's Institute, now for some of the theory classes there. Which I'm pissed about because I should have waited to go until they did that lol. Oh well, a piece of paper is a piece of paper.

Any plans for doing something like this down here in SoCal? I'd be all over going to an event like this if it was here in Southern California and bringing all of my friends.

I've been feeling the same way about this. Deliver a solid single player experience first. Quit trying to shoehorn a multiplayer mode into every single game you release. If you can deliver that amazing single player experience that's more than 10 hours, then you may have a game that won't get rented.

What an amazing set of games, thanks for reminding me!! :D

Lord I miss KFC. Ahh Weight Watchers, I'll have to wait until Saturday to have it again. That's my splurge meal day!

You just have to keep trying, I got super frustrated, he was down to basically a sliver of health and I couldn't lick him to paralyzehim. So I just kept tossing Great Balls at him, my room mate told me I couldn't do it, two balls later and he was mine! He's a great Poke'mon!

Yea, not a fan of that, total party customization is what a good chunk of the fun in RPG's. I'm finding that this game is kind of sad, a shame that Bioware stooped down to rushing something like this. *Sigh*

Thanks to a great deal heads up yesterday I picked up Dragon Age 2 on D2D. Started playing it, and, so far it's ok...

Oooo, thanks for the heads up! Picked up Dragon Age2 just now! :)