
We should all be ok. :)

Heard about the Tsunami's and Earthquakes going on down there, hope you and your family are safe Bash. Sending out prayers tonight!

Well they kind of are, The Old Republic looks awesome, just wish it wasn't an MMO. =/ I'd like to see them take on a whole new setting for an RPG altogether.

Working my way through Black now, up to the fourth Gym leader, but she's electric, and I've got no real ground type pokemon except for a Sandile I picked up on route 4 but he has no ground type moves except for Sand Tomb! GAH!

I know it sucks, I'm doing it myself, but have you considered signing up with a Temp agency? They have shitty jobs, but as someone once told me: a steady dime is better than an unsteady dollar.

I had the same on mine. =/ But after a quick set up and switch everything is awesome.

Ok back from the store, had to reset my router to change my security settings, but I finally got my Liberty Pass, can't wait to get my Victini!

I had a ton of awesome, productive stuff planned for yesterday. Then Game Dev Story found its way onto my phone. Next thing I know it's 10:30 at night and I'm 3/4 of the way through my second company finishing a Sim RPG Detective Game that sold 45 million units on my console, Sunfire 64.

Pure geniuses, glad these guys at least have a permanent gig on this show.

Dunno, I'm stepping out the door in 10 minutes to pick up my copy from Best Buy and I decided to go with Black. Feeled more like Red tome, seeing as that was my cartirdge of the day. Plus, Black City, who wants a girly fucking Forest when you can get a whole nothder part of the city!?

Dear Christ, I am never driving down towards Anaheim again unless it's for NAMM. Such a dumb 2 and a half hour drive if you don't leave at the right time. Definitely not worth it for a taste of Sonic's. I hear their food is crap anyways.

Go on Sony, I dare ya, make my day. I haven't done shit except for lookat his website once to get a better idea of what was going on. My ps3 is perfectly legal and my criminal record is completely clean.

Well, I WAS, mainly due to playing a console demo. But I don't know why I did, I played DAO plus expansions on the PC. Finally played the PC version demo and was moderately impressed. The convo wheel still irks me, but the rest of the game is great.

Interesting, I remember hearing differently. Well, thanks for clarifying.

So, first of all, a video that's off topic of video games, but so awesome. It reminds me why the first rule of Hard Rock LPW at Musician's Institute that we learned was "KNOW YOUR SHIT!!" if you get up on stage and suck, the teachers will stop the song and kick you off the fucking stage. LOL, I get a good kick out of

@TrainerRed: I'm thinking of picking up Black. It pretty much hangs on me either eating Ramen for the rest of the week, or decently. But I definitely want to get it and play it on my room mates DS until I can afford a 3DS

@ifandbut: They've stated before that there will be no importing for DA2. I remember seeing it in a Q&A that they did.

@Squirrelbot3000: There is however a Sonic's somewhere here in SoCal from what I hear. And I also hear tales of a Dunkin' Donuts here somewhere in SoCal.

@JPS: +10 internets to you sir.