No, the reason why I bought cheaper games online is because I'm fucking broke! I bought some big titles last year though, but still, it was relaly hard on my budget. When the Indie Humble Came around it was fantastic!
No, the reason why I bought cheaper games online is because I'm fucking broke! I bought some big titles last year though, but still, it was relaly hard on my budget. When the Indie Humble Came around it was fantastic!
You know, besides the fact that it's being broken up into shorts, I'm interested in checking out the first few episodes to see how well they did to capture the essence of Dragon Age. I've played the table top game as well as the PC games and it's amazing. The amount of detail that Bioware put into the world is pretty…
@Jad: Don't listen to him, he's just cranky.
@Karljohan Pettersen: Space Jam 5?
Screw that, lock her up and throw away the key! Stupid people like this who cause the deaths of innocent children should not be allowed to run around in society! Same with sex offenders and murderers.
@Manly_McBeeferton: Ahh damn you beat me to it!
When I go to my friends wedding this Spring in Vegas I'm definitely gonna drop in here for a drink and some gaming!
@Manly_McBeeferton: Don't give up Mario! I believe in you! Hit him with your Splash attack!
@Manly_McBeeferton: Quick, Mario! Get out of the way and use a Splash attack!
What about PS3? I unofficially, off the record, know that my PC more than likely can't run it thanks to a "friend" who showed it to me on his "computer", so, I have my alternative.
I will join the 40million people who will mention it and say: It's already been done in MUGEN, hell, I have a ton of characters in mine. I just don't keep up with it that much anymore though, especially after CNET took down their music downloading service where I was getting great independent music from various…
@embitterer: Ofcourse! I wasn't doubting that! Just the timing of articles is all. :)
Anyone else think it's a little ironic that this article comes after an article titled: "Games Might Not Desensitize Us To Violence After All"?
@GohanEgret: I miss the old days of the WWF. With Stone Cold Steve Austin, Masked Kane, Golddust, The Rock, all fo that good shit man lol.
As an addendum, I'd also like to add in my secondary reply that I added in later on to the discussion we were having:
@LucasReis: Not for the advertisers though, they love having their big annoying ads shoved right into the middle of the articles so you can get annoyed and easily distracted by them.
@Samakar: And yes, the Paradox will be so worth it when I turn the head vampire into a lawnchair. XD
@Martin Webster: You know that most of us have the classic look back? There's plenty of posts in redesign on how to get it back. :)
@LucasReis: Try this for creepy shit, my Xbox 360 has been randomly turning itself on at night and during the course of the day.
I use my points to raise my Arete to 4. Bitches better start running once I put a dot in my Matter sphere!