
Wow, that thing is huge!

@Extric: Thanks for posting this! I actually didn't even know they were planning on bundling the PS3 version with a PC/Mac version! See, this is what I'm talking about! That's the future!

@Tpadz: Doesn't matter whose been working on it first, it's all about who gets the first release! XD

@HungerSTGF: Lol, I just saw the video, I hadn't heard of that meme before. That was pretty funny! This is what happens when Trolls win!

@d0m: I just....I...huh? I...sorry, I just can't comment intelligently to that video...that was*headesk*

This got a lot more negative responses then I was expecting, which is sad. He's got great flow, and his lyrics speak truthfully of his situation. Yea, so he's at court right now, but you know what? The guys got balls, and I respect that, and he can rap, who cares?

Congrats to him.

Duke, Mega Man X and Jin, give me them nao!

Hmm, wonder if they'll design this similar to Legion TD where you can spend resources to summon extra monsters into the opposing teams lanes.

@Diamond Sea: I was just about to post something about that! Lol, it looks like Squall and Cloud are sporting some decent racks! XD

Sorry to say but I'm still baffled at how the Tetris Card game works. Are you playing cards based on the matrix of what shape you'll need to clear a line on the back of the top card of the matrix deck? And then you have 10 of those cards out, are they there just so you know how many lines you've cleared or do they

@B-Money: You got a source on that last bit there? I'd love to read that. The fact that he's paying no real attention to the outrage of the community is one thing. But that, that just really makes me angrier.

@Natdude: What kind of music conference did you go to?

@Fortran42: A lot of us are now lol. Once someone discovered it a few of us have been spreading the word.

So I guess Sony is finally allowing homebrew on at least ONE platform.