@Tivilon: Browsing through the various comments it showed up that someone in Canada was still getting the original look.
Alright everyone, I've figured out two ways of getting back to classic view:
So I'd like to bump up here to the top of the page that I am also confirming that adding "ca." to the front of Kotaku brings back the old look and this makes me a happy panda! \^o^/
I was super disappointed with the two decks they gave you in the demo for DotP. I really like playing Black decks, so, playing a straight up Red or Green deck with only one or two real combo's that were crucial on what you drew in the first three turns didn't really turn me on to the game.
Is anyone else getting sick of blatant ads being shoved right into the middle of an article? It really distracts me from the entire article as a whole and is really annoying.
Is anyone else getting sick of blatant ads being shoved right into the middle of an article? It really distracts me from the entire article as a whole and is really annoying.
Well, I've been watching a combo of shows, my three favorites right now are The Cape, Castle and Outsourced.
Start with Pokemon Red or Heart Gold sir. :) Although I have my bias for Red, the original 151 are the only ones that matter! :D
I'm in love! :)
Dragon Age 2 is coming out soon, and I'm still not convinced that it's worth the purchase. I love Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening, but Dragon Age 2 feels like the kiddy pool. DA2 lovers and h8r's speak up.
Well, that took me a while to figure out how to comment. Anyone else bugged by how the video player isn't static in the article and it opens a separate little box to view it in? That was annoying.
Yea, that's a little late now for me, I already got a sweet Android phone as an upgrade from Windows Mobile.