
So, besides the fact that the Steelers are getting their asses kicked. Anyone else catch that Captain America trailer!? I'm stoked for that!

Hi Bioware, please just release another expansion pack for Dragon Age. I am extremely skeptical about DA2, the limited character customization and a very limited story structure is really turning me off about this game.

@Samakar: And I don't normally do this, but damn! I'm a 49ers guy (it's ok, none of us want to talk about the performance this year, it was really bad), but this pretty much was the most impressive thing I saw this year hands down.

You know what other movie I realized Robert Downey Jr. was in? A Scanner Darkly. I watched it again just recently on one of the movie channels and I had just realized it.

@Trystero: *swoon* Leo Laporte, I'm a straight man and I would have that mans babies. I miss The Screen Savers. :(

Pretty nice set up for gaming, will have to remember this once I start getting into touring.

Attempting to finish my 100% playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins so I can finally pick up Awakening. I love you Bioware. That is all. :)

Only $2? That's an insult to such an amazing foundation. They should be ashamed of themselves for selling a gorram hat for $45 and only giving $2 of that to a charity. I think I'd rather go buy a black hat for $2 in downtown LA and then give $43 to the Wounded Warriors.

@RockyRan: Yes! They had that screen up ages ago over at EGM. It's gonna be hawt. Have you had a chance to read anything about the new Creation Engine?

@rich8606: You know, I'm not going to say anything about it. I said the same thing about Heath and was blown away, I think Nolan knows what he's doing with casting.

@RockyRan: That game was so hard!

@d4rk-h4x0rer: Ohhhh, I fucking get CHILLLS! When I hear that intro song! My favorite show growing up! I remember we used to tape the episodes and then I would watch them everyday. I wore out those VHS's fast lol.

@Britton Carroll: I'm gonna jump in here and agree too. I remember Ocarina of Time being much more suspensful in the Ghoma Fight then that. I hope they haven't changed up the Shadow Temple too much either. That place was creepy too.

@The MSJ: HAHAHA, omg! My sides are still fucking hurting!

@Killer Toilet: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddeee, I know right!? He was totally jumping out of the screen at me! And then a pink unicorn carrying an evil cat came to me after the video and told me I was the messiah of the Ar'tokahl people and that I was to combat the creeping evil teddy bears using the candy cane of

@daveypots: Yea, I have a band that's working out its personal drama at the moment, but I also try to do studio work as much as possible. I'm doing some writing with a Russian Singer/Songwriter/Producer and another Hip Hop producer to sell to Atlantic through a few of his contacts. My sound as a guitar player is my

@daveypots: I live in the San Fernando Valley now, lived in Hollywood for a couple of years and got sick of it and got out of there.